WAR with zaft is over!!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by KA____CHEWBAKKA____KA, Aug 3, 2014.

  1. Chew ur not funny
  2. lol, this guy is a joke. :lol:
  3. Metalica is a great name zagrahem or whatever your name is..thanks for the gold zag..Metalica..keep it rockin brother
  4. Lol, I don't care about the gold, it is just virtual money
  5. Hamzag..you are right..just game money...you ate pretty smart guy...
  6. Why did you repost something i just wrote above.ragdam or whoever you are..??
  7. Just a game..dont get all defensive magram
  8. Chewie b trippin'
  9. I read rising stars name as red star lol
  10. i is scurred
  11. I am RedStar duh.
  12. ^ what not to do on others threads
  13. I'm flattered
  14. Eh. His first one was locked. I'm expecting this to get locked too.
  15. Seriously though. Avatar should so start using that gif when locking threads.
  16. Haven't seen him much anymore :shock:
  17. If salty and chew would team up, I believe the world would end
  18. Is this real or are you kidding?