Discussion in 'Wars' started by _hippy, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. REGULATORS r supposed to be solid not Whinny little b-otches running around wit their tails inbetween there legs!!! Grow up an take the thrashing you all deserve!!! Boo Yah
  2. Belle are you ******* kidding me? Giving lectures in the forums about lying and breaking oaths? Give me a break. You're so full of hypocrisy it's not funny.

    Don't you remember your actions of two years ago? Remember how you befriended a few of us you believed were botting
  3. Set us up and took screen shots in an attempt to get us banned for things we weren't guilty of? Remember that?

    Well I do. So before you start talking about "morals" or "integrity" or people lying, remember this; there are still some of us around that know you are nothing more than a snake in the grass.

    You might have some people fooled, but you certainly do not have all of us fooled. So keep your lectures to yourself, we aren't impressed.
  4. You mean when tech and mfr (the same ones who had their acct's reset by devs a couple months ago, and tech had been banned several times previously) ran around cc talking about acct sharing and assassin posted the ss up in forums?

    Yes. It was horrible of me to show my clan ss of the people we were in OSW with account sharing.

    I do feel bad that that stuff got posted up in forums. But geesh. Who admits to account sharing in front of the person they are at war with?

    I didnt lie or break my oath.

    ISS do not have many morals about lying or cheating, though. But they do get really mad when they get caught 
  5. Please see Curtish wall for updated strip results. Don't drink the Trollaide-- MATH DOESN'T LIE
  6. Wait....stored all in bronze I'm sure. 
  7. Why dont we all just hit each other n stop the bs banter in forums
  8. @belle-If I remember correctly that account was named sneakybeacky and you were in battle at the time. That said account was farming you and we joked saying if we had the account password we would have changed it to stop it farming you (this was all in jest as we blatantly had no access to the account).

    Low and behold a month later ss appear of this convo whilst you were in AG, trying to get the friends you had bànned. Left a lot of knives in people's backs with that one.

    I may even be able to pull up a few ss of you apologising profusely to me when trying to get me to join AG, saying you didn't realise how the ss would be used to try ban us and that you knew we were joking around.....
  9. Anyway not my place to say anything here but felt that needed correcting 
  10. @si- no. I believe it was tech saying he had someone in black hand's Facebook account log in info and would change it and open for me. I was in ag and at war with black hand then as I was when the ss were posted.

    And mfr..... Well, he actually got on an account in black hand, told me he had access to it, and then opened as an osf for me. Next day, the owner of the acct got pissed, left a mean message and blocked me.

    I found that humorous and shared with my clan, who posted the cheating up in forums.

    Tech and mfr were friends. Sucks that it happened. I felt bad at the time.

    However, I've stopped feeling bad. It's been over 2 years. Tech was banned numerous times after that and got caught with the gold exploit. So did mfr. so did half of ISS.

    They really don't have the morals to judge me for ss'ing them being idiots and sharing it with my clan. Nor do you.

    I really thought I would get out of this war without the random belle hate campaign since I had nothing to do with starting any of it and only tried to prevent it. But again- jealousy and unadulterated hatred for a chick on a tap tap game rules the day.
  11. I fail to see any hatred in my post, merely stated my point of view.

    I also fail to see how anyone can be jealous of anyone over a "tap tap game".

    All I see is a player with a short temper going off at everyone an anyone.. No jealousy here, just mildly amused :)

    Happy kawing 
  12. Thank you SI...isn't it funny how the reality the majority of us live in differs so greatly from Belle's? I also find it humorous that she thinks I have enough energy to hate her. Belle, I may not like you, nor can I stand you, but please do not flatter yourself with me hating you. That is simply not the case, you are not worthy of such a powerful emotion. However, I will be damned if you're going to ride in here on a white stallion with the heavens shinning behind you staring off into the horizon and pretend to be some righteous figure of moral decency. That is simply not the case.

    As for being jealous?!?  You're kidding right? Jealous of what? That you served as a MOD? Congratulations, your life's work complete by working free for a profit generating corporation, disciplining 12-16 year olds that by-pass bad words and spam WC. I'm not sure what there is to be jealous of. That nonsense has me confused. I have no clue what you have Belle, nor do I care, but am fully aware of what I have and where I plan to be in 5, 10, 20 years. It's nice to see you think so highly of your-self. It really is.

    Belle, it makes little to no difference what tech or mfr did 2 months ago. It is your way of diverting from the true argument of your fake and phony character. My point, in which you basically admitted, while leaving out and denying facts, and fabricating more BS is that you have no right to speak about people lying or breaking oaths when you yourself don't live it.

    Neither of them were banned for what you accused them of, were they? Nooooo. In-fact, there were no bans that occurred as a result at all. This simple reality may lead some of us to believe there was no wrong doing. However, you admitted the witch hunt was a result of your efforts and apologized many times over for it to many people. Told people you felt bad for betraying your friends. Your words, not mine. I'm sorry but you can't have it both ways. It's just way too convenient to change the story up now. Again, you're not fooling all of us. But not to fear, people may believe whatever they wish. 

    I'm over it Belle. You win. I won't waste any more time on the issue. I should have never belittled myself and fell for the trap to begin with.
  13. I'm not really sure but this justification really shows nothing to me except Ireg claiming that he was hit. This is a really poorly laid out "Truth" with no actual evidence or proof of anything except Ireg shooting off his mouth at someone else with an equally big e-peen. I think Poppa's post is not only way more informative but factual, personally.
  14. I am super Jealous of Belle's thumbs, they are soooo thick... Yum

    And can you imagine where they have been
  15. Why can't we just be friends? I want everyone to be my friend. I want to love only one of you, who will love me? I hope it's Belle 
  16. Jealous? 

  17. Wulfs Explanation thread made more sense IMHO.  my money is on this ending as... Yes!! CF with mutual (dis)respect 
  18. ★ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟⁂R∑GμL∆†oR§ R∑τરίϦƲ†ίΘɴ♛ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟༎₩Ð₲₳Ƒ★
  19. The post is very clear and concise but I don't believe for a second that anyone either in or supporting alliance would read it objectively. My experience in forums is that generally people just ignore what doesn't support their current emotions. It's cool I get it 