War Win/Loss Stat added to Player Stats

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by ---Trixster__AS---, Jul 17, 2015.

  1. Pointless. Not only that it will only make people in top ee clans (closed community) feel good abt themselves. And would discourage those w bad w/l ratio. Not to mention the most popular war is indy atm n thats a 50/50.

    No support
  2. It has to start from zero since I don't think Kaw Devs been tracking all the wars w/l per player. It gives everybody to do their best in wars.
  3. Support. Then they could have a tru all star war with 1600 top war winners not top leaderboard
  4. Will this only be for ee because this might not be common lnowledge but people could potentially start system wars with another clan to beef up that stat. I dont really see these types of wars very much anymore but it could come back. People could farm these wars by having an alt in another clan and ff the war to stack stats on their main
  5. Good point Alpha but I would say only the scheduled war by Kaw (indi, primal, round). Don't want stats to be manipulated by the system wars.
  6. Literal *jaw drop*
  7. And they only have the 25 quests complete achievement damn
  8. Kinda helpful stat when strip target comes online and pins on quests 
  9. Emense amounts of improvements can be made in KAW emphasis on "at-war" - but the executives at ATA will not approve of such expenditures (not the programmers we call devs or public relations ppl we call support)

    Simply put, if x dollars are spent, executives at ATA want x + 20% returned for their investment

    Suggestions you and others make fall on deaf ears, by employees who have no say in the direction of gaming improvements you propose
  10. No support but if u changed it to war contribution then ill support it. Winning and losing are just titles and some aren't even worthy of that title. War contributions, on the other hand like how well u did in war might be better. Sorry if i can't express my idea clearly kinda lazy to type right now.
  11. Just beating a dead horse