Good grief. What a pointless argument. I've been in osw and ee almost constantly for two years now. It's not either or, do both. Or one. Or none. U should be demanding the primal match system be fixed, or season 5 will suck, whenever it gets here. The system definitely ain't ready for s5
Well pinning on eb's while in OSW is the only war format that occurs. I suggest a free opt in spell if in OSW. Furthermore add achievements n rewards as well. Maybe PvP EQ from a points system ala Rancor points. Anything that makes OSW war only for that matter. Anyone can go see who is in OSW n EB. Can hardly call that a serious OSW. Cannot pin clannies instead like in the day of turtle wars?
Sneaky filled half the Thread lol! :lol: :lol: :lol: Go to sleep noob And yes Support , i would like some new types of war. The pathetic mith payout and eb events are getting on my nerves. :roll: Btw you shouldn't expect rewards for OSW , its not a system war so why you want rewards for something not officially in the game system. The other clan requesting CF should be your Reward. At max, a spell like Astral Grim wont hurt for OSW warriors but no fancy equip/items. we have PvP Events for that
Should change the name from OSW "Off System War" to something else then, its called that cause it has no dependence on game system
I disagree osw is great because there is no SYSTEM, but what they should do is increase PvP plunder thts all i would want.
OSW has no system n not dependent but only war u can eb at the same time. Something wrong with that picture? Call it Moonlighting Wars EB when not warring n vice versa
Btw FURY is doin a BR atm while in OSW. Q: is that a new OSW strat? Or EBOSW EB On/OffSystem War Many others doin HtE.. where does everyone find time to war?
Ah i see...maybe a strip list thread soon? So OSW is all about strip funds from eb's n not hitting Ops. Thats war for ya Do BR then HtE then OSW last. Don't hit n plunder the enemy they hit back.
eclipso when you belittle the effort that I personally put in and a few other's to make ee wars happen your obviously speaking on something you know nothing of also. Maybe the war is 1 hour but the time put in to make the rosters, scout all enemy clans casting and get an accurate list of stats and mechs, make a strategy, implement said strategy, review war performance and try to improve where able, and then in a few hours do it all again. That is not some small amount of time and effort put in. Also every single on of the hundreds of wars my clans and I do is for family, our name , and our legacy also. I have all the ee equip I make usually less then 15 mithril a war and defiantly do not make gold from doing ee so it's all about being proud of who we are, what we're doing, and how we're doing it. I've seen what osw trackers do and I also have the highest respect for the amount of time and the effort that must require.
You know whats more of a rush. Telling the ones you love how much u love them before u go to sleep and telling them again when u wake up. I do both ee and osw and just cause u do one or the other doesnt make u better than the other. I seen more ppl hide in osw when they cant handle it the same as in ee.
Fully agree ee Warriors are no different to eb fairy's it's guys that do osw that are the Warriors of this game
You guys are still on this osw thing. I agree with nighthawk you pin on ebs do rb and all that other stuff your just as bad as eb fairies get over it and get off the thread what don't you understand? All if you in osw posting on this thread are absolutely nothing and no one cares about your noob osw or how many you've been in. I think you're all just jealous you can't EE war because of your osw
Most in osw are eb builds so you can not call them "warriors of the game" that makes no sense whatsoever
Don't you talk badly about pretty much every clan involved in osw right now? But you're the first to ask for a cf? Makes sense
All that need be said is the basic facts. Hardcore OSW is constant work n focus. The end is unknown til one side capitulates OSW n EB together is a compromise call it Hybrid OSW not a true War only system as it was before the advent of eb's. EE takes time n effort for 1 short hour War. Time n effort is at the root of both war formats n the discrediting of those who put out is nonsense from the peanut gallery. The goals r the same playing to win... Class is expected from the victors Sportsmanship from the vanquished War is for those who seek the competition n hunger for the give n take it provides.