In addition to this i think that nobody should be able to do outside hits, hit quests etc etc for system wars as it ruins the fun if people just turtle the whole time. If that's the case; support If not, go home nub :33
I support, I had a real good system war over a week ago, look at those close but BEAUTIFUL results! I'm still mad that a forfeit ended it.
I've been playing since early 2010. System wars were really fun, and they were a great way to meet new people. You didn't have to worry about your build, since there was always somebody you could hit. Full support.
80 Supporters! Come on guys! We need more. Tell your friends to read this post. We can bring System Wars back!
S-U-P-P-O-R-T!!! I miss the pm's "We need you to merc" Joining a SW and just waiting for wc to give the command to enter war. Turtling was a strategy but also many more strategies were utilized. Many great times warring for 48 hrs lol.
Support, lots of talk about system wars of late, specially for osw training and hey, this a "war game" ...not an "epic battle game". We were going to train peeps in a sub to sub system war, but there is no real reason's better to train on battle list or have them farm wc ads or people who ask for rp. I mean really, I got in after pwars ended and never got the chance to do a real system war, so make it happen.
Absolute full support of a return to the old system wars, however it is extremely difficult for devs to find a way to bring them back without the player base finding a way to exploit them. That being said, my old merc days were my best KaW days, I'd love nothing more than to go back to them!! iphi