War Tax and the Return of the Old School System War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -WARGORlLLA-, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. Support with all my heart... Missed those good old days when I just started.... System wars all the way
  2. Oh yeah: xtal optional? I bet you are lucky enough that most if not all in your "EE clan" that will use a xtal during war. It IS ok if you are unlucky since optional.

    1. I suggest all those who find this being optional apply to your clan

    2. I also suggest anyone who exercises his option not to xtal and subsequently gets ****** by a player or group or players to ask azul to protect them

    Hurray! God Bless you Azul, saviour of the wannabee ee warriors!
  3. 200% supports
  4. Lu you crack me up  yes comments for Lu are welcome on my wall. I'll respond accordingly 
  5. Some form of better system would be nice.

    I have always wanted to see something that tracks an osw better. Unlimited members, tracks gold won from attacks, gold lost in pots, and gold lost in ally strips.

    I know there are a ton of potential holes to this, but it would be nice to have an objective winner. Everyone seems to think they are winning an osw.

    Would even be cool to see teams who do poor resource wise, win the war because they are relentless.
  6. I bumpped my Custom System Wars thread for you to comment on. It's another way to revamp system wars :)
  7. Yes scrote, that would be cool. But for now let's keep this thread focused on trying to get War Tax back and System Wars back. I think if we get enough supporters, or get enough people to send feedback, the Devs will possibly bring it back. So everyone please spread the word and tell people to read this thread!️
  8. Support! It would be very simple for the devs to make it so you can't get war tax if the war is forfeited.
  9. Support. Maybe ban forfeiting to avoid system abuse(pw), and lock roster?
  10. How many Gh or sh were invited to a system war?


  11. Devs already had it set so that the osf would not get the tax when the war was forfeited. When the pw was over the attackers would all leave the clan and the osf still got the gold
  12. That's a good idea baiservole!
  13. @michael western. Maybe devs make it to where you can't leave? Idk. They can come up with something, but at least bring it back. They can make updates to it like they are to the EE war. But keep it as original as possible
  14. Support! Would love to see them make a return!
  15. @king- I'm sure the devs can make it so that people couldn't leave. As a old school player myself I miss the pw days it was a great way to earn money for strips lol
  16. Over 4 years eh?
  17. Not everyone posts with their original account...not everyone posts with their main account, eh. Nitpicking and finding issue with one insignificant portion of his post is plain and simple trolling...or ignoratio elenchi.
  18. Yes I know I've down the same I've been playing for a year but created this account not to long ago