War Tax and the Return of the Old School System War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -WARGORlLLA-, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. I join every system war that I can find just to win it for the losing side with war tax put back that would be great.
  2. You can keep your snide remarks. I read the full post BEFORE I gave my response so your snarky retort was unwarranted. I gave facts based on the history of the FORMER and CURRENT state of the system wars. EE doesn't require xtals. They are optional. Don't want to use them? Don't. As far as the old way system wars were run you had the same option to xtal in them as well.Your point is moot in that regard. Your point about making gold off hitting people is as well. The old system wars were used to make gold (ebs introduced for that) and make mith between mith sales. I gave you the way people do that now. You can have all the people in the world support this but your efforts are futil IN MY OPINION because the devs introduced the EE war system INSTEAD of th failed original war system that NOBODY was doing when the EE wars were introduced. You would see 1 maybe 2 wars in a week and it was always people mith farming.

    If you do not want people to express the opposite side of the op "only post support" otherwise my opinion is value regardless if I spend money or not.
  3. Old school wars were either plunder wars or turtle wars. I can't say they were very fun; first one: hit OSF to make gold just like an EB, the other one, we'll win if the opposite team can't make gold, self pin on quests for 48 hours.
  4. Support . Yeah turtle wars were crap . Before they became the norm though system wars were fun . Good way to meet new friends as well
  5. Support!!! Bring Back the Old System Wars!!!
  6. Support️
  7. Support!!! I've been playing this game since 2009, I've been on and off but I completely agree with this thread. The whole game consisted of clans warring each other as this is called Kingdoms at War not Kingdoms hitting np c's because theirs no real other way to make money. I encourage all other KAW players to support especially old veterans. Please,support this thread!
  8. I did a few classic system wars back when I was a noob and it was enjoyable. EE wars are WAY too competitive. It's slaughter for the mith. Remove the mith and season rewards and they will die quickly.

    Support to OP though
  9. Support

  10. support

    Azul not sure who you're warring with in EE wars that tells you crystals are optional...every war commander I've fought for and clan I've fought with has expected xtal use.

    I wonder how many system wars you actually fought in? Because even though you could xtal in system wars there's a huge difference between the two kinds of wars and the mentality and expectations.

    System wars were a party. Friends invited friends. You'd show up and see other system war mercs and then meet other new people and start trading hits and wall posts with the other side. You'd figure out regen times and sit on a target. You'd keep your own teammate pinned while they took a nap. (48 and even 24 hours is a long time!! Lol). System wars were about commaraderie. It truly was like going to a party and seeing old friends and meeting new people and working together.

    Yes people took advantage and yes devs changed things but for many of us old timers that's what system wars were for us...a party. You'd click an opponent and select length of war and then start pming people.

    The DIFFERENCE: EE wars are like running a corporation. It's not a party...it's a JOB. You gotta get the right build mix and right numbers, not too many and not too few. You need reliable people cause one person could ruin it for everyone. You gotta make sure everyone has mith and xtals. You need a war strategy and sometimes a timer. It's a way too serious JOB to prepare for war now.

    Did we take system wars seriously? Yes...but it was loosely structured enough to still be fun.

    And to yoda who said there were only 1 or 2 a week...that was after devs made all the changes and took away the benefits.

    If you had a choice to go to a party or go to a job which would you rather do? I'd rather go to a party...I support this thread 
  11. 29 supports! keep them coming guys. And please send feedback to the Devs. If we get enough support, maybe we can change the Devs minds
  12. I cannot call myself a vet or old vet. Only a Dinosaur...

    Support to old wars!!! Met more friends doing them than meeting ee noobs/fairies. Also more to learn and teach. More talking, friendship and less whatever ko sko dont spam cc wtf lol. No wonder i heard more and more players use highly intelligent programs to war. They don't even need to be there since not allowed to bond or share a joke in cc.

    Dont wanna do that? Sure. Just sko sko sko or skim and skim and...pm existing friends? (thats what i do. Too bored - and yes, while doing that i can also track my targets and other targets better than the tracker, at times...can't always beat a program yah?). Where's e fun in that?

    Oh yeah: thanks wc and tracker if u win or good job (only) if u lose....regardless of whether they are bloody retarded (if thats censored, lets just say "plain stupid")

    No matter how they claim to know builds, most just know basics and do not fully know how to utilize them. Yeah. 2-3m adt blablabla. I shall not post names :) most means most. 90% of you wc or highly respected players really....face palm :)

    Not being arrogant. Just e truth. Ee wars are stupid and spread that stupidity to you.
  13. P.S: I probably won't check this thread nor my wall again. Anything for me just post Gwen's wall. She will pm me probably to lemme know