War Strategies

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Corinthian, Jun 16, 2010.

  1. Have lower/middle members start as active in the war and then when enemies big guys are weak u either hit em with jr bigs, or if their self pinned, u have middle guys keep em that way? Never tested-and probably doesn't work- but someone should try it eventually
  2. Lol only a cheapass can come up with that "aput" strategy. Nonetheless, it could work well, I had it happen to me in my 2nd war. Was annoying, but we still won.
  3. Cause we beast
  4. Maybe geo, but the hole is your guys will be pinned easily and the big guys on your side won't be earning plunder until they enter. Also, they can crystal out of pin and ruin the surprise
  5. Lol ninja tellin folks a strategy :p evil lmao man I need to change my name back lol no one recognizes me 
  6. Its too easy just go for the best plunder easy wins 7/7 6/7 if you report less than 5/7 Than thats the wrong target Turtle up with Def and Spy def pots so counters are weak .
  7. I thought about the crystal thing and my answer is- hope they already used em ;) also the biggies on the opposing side would have very reduced plunder from hitting the small players. So it shouldn't be that big of a lead
  8. I did not read post by other ppl but the best stategy for both clans is not to use any pots of any kind discussed and approved by both clans
  9. So why would i sell all my def and spy def pots before every war????
  10. The best is to implant an osf days before the war so it not suspicious
  11. I think the best strategy is to sell off all of ur def pots and allies then do four or five hits on a quest. I think that would really work to ur advantage especially when fighting wig 
  12. do assassinates count towards winning a portion of the "winning sides pot distribution"? and how much does a lc spy make per steal (assuming around equal stats)
  13. i think the best thing to do is just smash em
  14. Simple, and everyone should already have this tip in place

    keeping track of win/loss records
    and adjust your roster quickly at the start to your advantage

    never wanna leave a farm for your opp.
  15. Funnyman, yes it does. And I'll brb to grab another piece from the other thread. I'll post original strategies afterward
  16. Runnybunny strategy:

    ingredients: 1 can o' whupp ass

    instructions: Open can o' whupp ass with a can-opener and dump into whatever opponent's name is easiest to type.
  17. Counter^ that name is short and easy to type because there is a really scary active statted player behind the handle. The ingrediants promptly eat the can and dissolve
  18. I have lots of cans. And a electric opener