War Stats Revised

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Titan_God, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. I know things are brought to the devs attention and we hope for the best and times things aren't said or done, for whatever the reasons doesn't mean I still can't try along your side for improvements and additions. In the end at least you know you put positive forth whether something is implemented or not.
  2. Great idea!
    And as a bonus, use the individual badges to help with clan or indi matchups. (( average clan badges match other clan badges with similar average)) or all the noobs in indis get split up to war each other and higher badges war against eachother
  3. I like that idea jinxed that could be another addition used for match ups honestly. 
  4. Maybe have an SKO badge as well.
  5. Support, the devs need to get more involved in fixing EE and system wars
  6. Support
  7. Absolutely FM would be nice to have badges for defense. There could be a whole string of them since this would be new to the system.
  8. Is the art self made or from google? I like it! Maybe instead of talping the achievement to view your stats, add a seperate section below your build stats?
  9. Blueberry, the art is original I'm a digital artist by trade just made it for the post. I honestly would like to see war stats on our profile page as well, I know it's been mentioned several times by me included. Since haven't heard anything I was trying another route, which could work just as well.
  10. Support to an old friend. Both sound amazing!
  11. Yeah, I agree, both of them look great! :)
  12. Thank you Blueberry 
  13. Support for support to get it implemented
  14. Great idea! Full support!
  15. I definitely support these ideas. Would be a great change to a) Make things more inclusive for those that already war, and b) Potentially incentivise more players to explore their inner warrior.
    More warrers = better matches (maybe), potentially a better war system overall, and most likely more xtal purchases.
    What does ATA have to lose? Nothing. What do they have to gain? More loyalty and excitement from their players (and of course, more $$)
    Seems like a no brainer to me.