War Schedule - Week 14

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. Wow devs Dts/dtw still in effect, have you not listened to any feedback? This did nothing to help with the gh issue, theres 4 days now before the season begins, are we supposed to believe you have a fix for it by then? At the very least increase the amount of plunder given when an enemy attacks them, the way it is now those clans can win wars in which they have less actions then the opposing clan because you make next to nothing hitting ghs. PLEASE Do something about this before the season begins, no one wants to see the same clans on top for the same reason that has been going on for too long.

    Also a 2 minute advantage time would be much better, would be nice to see them implement that in season 2 along with fixed times.
  2. An awful idea. Do not support the problem by doing that, all that does is make the problem bigger. Dropping your stats to be a guild hansel is the most outragous thing about EE wars, in what wars ever is dropping stats rewarded? Do not support the problem, grow into a real, respectable war account.

    Those of you suggesting this, and saying why arent you changing to adapt to the guild hansels. We should not have to adapt to deal with something that is clearly unfair and many players agree should be changed. When a clan wins a war that has less of every action and lost every aspct of the war, but has more plunder because the enemy makes nothing on them is completely ridiculous to call a war. Just like dropping your stats to be a guild hansel is just as bad, if they gave an amount of plunder that was fair and allowed a clan with more actions to win, like they should there would be no issue. But the way it is currently is a joke, and to suggest people should drop stats to take advantage of this is in no way how a war works.
  3. It seems to me that the easy fix to the gh problem is to add another factor into plunder calculation. That factor would be number of building levels. Gh would still pay great in ebs so wouldnt harm new players starting out but would level the playing field in wars.
  4. @Fallout

    So it is not war to adapt a weaker build, lose more actions, but win in the end? I disagree. War is strategy. When Germany invaded Russia the Russians burned fields and destroyed food as they retreated from loss after loss (losing more battles and becoming weaker). In the end the Russian winter prevented the Germans from supplying their troops. The German soldiers starved and were driven from Russia. Russia lost more battles but triumphed in the end.

    Guild hansels are not unbeatable. Guild hansels are not an exploit. You want to win at ee? Dedicate yourself to building your clan. Make the sacrifices in plunder to put up towers needed to win. I haven't hardly done ee since season 1 ended because of all the crying and moaning that so many have done. All these noob tears have made the devs take pitty on you crybabies and have taken what once required teamwork and strategy and ruined it. EE isn't fun anymore. How about this idea for a new system? Whiner wars. Everybody gets an identical account. Everybody wins mith and equipment. There'll be no losers...only whiners! It'll be just like if Obama ran KaW.
  5. Can you please explain why you did war1 at 8gmt few weeks ago and was good signup now your back to 7gmt meaning 3pm est which means all Americans are working or at school.... We need Americans as struggle for numbers can imagine a lot of clans do plz make 1 hour later at least I'm uk and good time to war but pointless if cant get numbers cater for America and let the rest work around them please
  6. Good lord, the amount of sheer stupidity spewing from some of the peoples mouths on this forum is just shocking. For those of you going off about "people whining and complaning" and how Ghs are just fine, Do everyone a favor, delete your noob ghs and find a new game. If you cant recognize the clear problem with the plunder mechanic you simply do not understand how this games war is supposed to oprerate.

    And guild hansels alone are not unbeatable, but your clearly missing the issue if your trying to defend the current mechanics of guild hansels, If you think its fair that a clan can win in this system with less actions then the enemy, which with any other builds warring would never happen your insane. I love all the comments telling people to stop whining about ghs, You all must be ghs or have one, that or you just do not get it. Also its not mostly noobs crying about this issue, Most new players wouldnt even comprehend the issue or understand it. The saddest part of this issue is players feeling the need to go gh to compete, why am I seeing posts telling everyone, "oh well you can just go gh too!," Join them if you cant beat them huh? I have seen GH clans beat clans that are organized, skilled, and have a great track record and yet even with higher actions a throughout the war, they still lose to the gh/lb stacked clan that you cant even earn the plunder to win.

    PiC, you obviously dont get it, Whiner wars where everyone gets an identical account. thats your comparison to people wanting to see the gh mechanics changed to something actually fair? What your implying is that GH is somehow the uniqe and different account and hansels and attack builds are all identical and boring to fight? Im sick of hearing people suggest that actually skilled players with decent sized accounts should somehow have to adapt to this GH crap, theres only one thing that needs to be done, increase the plunder amount given per hit, and all of this will end in the forums.

    Here's whats happening, A large number of decent, skilled, average sized EE Players wish to see a failed plunder mechanic adjusted to fix the unbalanced nature of wars stacked with GHs. Along with a good number of very skilled EE players in many of the top clans also support this.

    Another number of people are trying to defend said system, most likely either due to using this system themselves to gain an advantage, or just simply being blind to the real issue. I tend to beleive most of them are trying to take advantage of it, clearly stupid is strong in the world.
  7. Please confirm war time on war4
  8. DEVS - War message in clans says 5 hours left to sign up, but that would put the start of the wars 2 hours later than they are scheduled. Can you fix this issue? There should only be 3 hours left for sign up...
  9. War clock wrong, what will it be? Please advise.
  10. War 4's time is off
  11. We are currently looking into why the war times are off. From our preliminary investigation, it appears that War #4 is still schedule to occur at 9pm PDT, with signups ending at 7pm PDT.
  12. It's supposed to start at 7p PST with signups ending at 5 PST
  13. But devs your schedule says war should start at 7pm pdt. Will it start at 7pm or 9pm? I get so confused when you say 1 thing in forums and then your game decides to do something different.
  14. The war times should be fixed. The times have not changed from those that are posted. Our apologies for the confusion this has caused.
  15. Have to say that with the wars I've been In this week the match ups have improved. Keep up the good work if you've changed anything!