War Schedule - Week 14

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. Thank You Mercenary of Death! 

    Well said - but I'm sure you will have a bunch of the usual complainers rebut you - GH this! GH that! Omg it's a GH!! ... Welcome to Kingdom of Whiners 
  2. Totally agree with PA... Why single out just one build type to complain about the system
  3. YES ! 1 hour wars and KO Advantage
  4. Well said merchant of death!
    Don't worried if they change up Gh now there won't be any clans warring cause there won't be any clans ready it will take a lot of Gh some time to adjust and most clans have a good amount of Gh
    I still say we all fight for refunds and comped for bad matches that's the only way to get more clans to take the risk of signing up and getting a bad match which in return more clans less bad matches problem solved....
  5. Ahh guild hansel is an eazy fix during ee they should pay 40m per hit problem solved
  6. Random KO times are an absolute joke! In order to war we put time effort (and usually money) into perfecting our builds and strategy.. and then you go and RANDOMize it??! That's like introducing a dice roll into the game of chess. PLEASE don't do random ko during s2..

    Speaking of season 2, can we get a war schedule soon? That would be MOST helpful. :)
  7. Oh right... announcement is tomorrow.. my bad. ;)
  8. 3 things

    1) all the supports are gh taking advantage of the broken mechanic (if I really need to go into how it's broken ... Ur an idiot .. Look around at all those dropping build just to get advantage in war because they can't fight)

    2) doesn't really effect me much except when matched against us and no plunder can be made off them but they can hit bottom 1/3 of clan for a huge plunder differential (exact opposite of how the game and war is intended)

    3) if the match making system worked properly ud only have gh clans v other gh clans and there wouldn't be an issue like rh or other clans that play on the same issue

    It's not gh on gh or gh v larger clans that's the issue its gh v medium players that's the issue as it stands now medium players in ee and medium clans for that matter that get screwed by people gaming the matching system buy putting larger cs with tons of gh up against all medium clans thinking its an even match ... Fighting it might be but the inability to score plunder in those wars (the mechanic they shoot for by making those rosters) is specifically to make it so u are invincible (by not being able to make 1/50th the plunder of the other side by shear mechanics)

    No it's not cheating it's gaming the current system and any system that allows this type of gaming is broken and needs to be fixed point blank this might be a war game but it is a game if its set up to make it so u can not no matter how skilled or good ur clan is win no matter how well u play its no longer a game it's a farce
  9. @ wingless devs introduced random ko to cut out tracking scrips get used to it mate
  10. Lol Hiney i bet 5 more clans just went gh because of your post
    Id say all other builds need to be corected gh works just fine. your post describes a good team and yes your right but if mid size players if built right don't need to worry bout gh i think the machanics are a great way to spice things up a lil and how boring would it be if everyone had the same build in war i have a couple different builds other than this and have built with warring against gh in mind its the stratagy that makes it fun and every attk eb build wants to take the fun out of war, what kind of war would it be in rl if both side were limited to only us tanks but there is a speed limit of 2mph umm ya not going to work and no one would be signing up for war
  11. You are an idiot if you think mid level players stand a chance in this system. I am one of them. I don't want to drop my build to a gh and lose everything I spent months gaining. Yes I know that is on me. But my build hot ratio can pull anywhere from gh with a few towers to fairly high leaderboard. I am no where near either of those extremes but the system doesn't care. My build is a liability to any war clan and I am not the only build
    My size. Whole clans were based around my size build in season 1. This is system is a top heavy balanced with gh with no middle just for leaderboard players to not bring difficult matches like season 1. They aren't changing it and season 2 is going to be very frustrating for me and my clan because of this. I don't have a problem with the gh build. It is a useful build for war for those that don't care to never get bigger or be able to play in Allstar wars. I just don't like a system that thinks it is ok to matchup leaderboard players with mids because we can successfully fail on them 99% of the time. The difficult in looking at the matches and seeing this isn't hard. Most of these wars in the last few weeks were decided by matchup and nothing else. 4 good matches out of 20 is a horrible percentage yet that is the system we have to work with. I have resigned myself to that fact but to claim that the system isn't broke or all clans can just switch to lb with gh is ridiculous. And for those that don't like the random timer. Well sorry they added a little more strategy for clans to be able to use. If you don't like don't war. You won't be the first person to stop warring.
  12. Omg!! Enough whining already! GH are fine - all you complainers need adapt to your environment and stop being a bunch of crybabies... Now let it go and move on...

    Btw goldeneyes mids have always been and always will be, beat up in wars - if I warred against you you would be a juicy target for me, attk builds and GH alike - even if you take GH out of the picture your build will be still be cannon fodder - the answer is grow some more or change your build
  13. Hey admins I got a 8 bil reward from the last haunting but it didn't add to my total gold pls check.
  14. Hey admins I got a 8 bil reward from the last haunting but it didn't add to my total gold pls check.
  15. Is season 2 Rancor??
  16. @mogzyy no, instead we get magical powers that allow us to look cool.
    Oh wait..we already have that..
    Of course it's Rancor.
  17. We need weekday wars back lots of ppl can't war on weekends
  18. Why not make your own game instead of crying and crying and crying and crying on every war forum being made here???
    go on. Its a free world. Make your own game. Make your own rules. "Gh is not for war and if you hit small almost statless poor kingdom you make 100mil per hit.
    you have a very very very good good awesome idea you always saying.
    Now go on and spread the word that you made a new game.
    And stop yelling on devs.

    Ps. They own this. Now stop complaining on what and how they want this to work.

    Now you want to see that awesomely unique brand new algoritheme???

    Did you ever think that if a geek knows that he can bully a clan that he wants that he can make his clan matched with same clan keeps on losing to them.

    Maybe happy_cop cracks the code?