War Schedule - Week 1 - War #2

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 17, 2013.

  1. Double post don't know how sorry!!
  2. War 2 my gh troops where pinned 30 seconds before the war started. Few others had same problem. How can it lag that bad for almost an entire clan but the other clan has no lag? Lossing a close war when over half didn't get more then a few attacks I'n off the first unloading a 1 hour war leaves you no chance to win lol BS
  3. wow really lethal??? In war one yall were ahead most of the war and we managed to turn things because of solid teamwork and a great tactical call by our leader!!!

    The second war yall jumped out to a 6B lead and blew your troops going for plunder while we patiently went for control. Another tactical move that paid off. Yall were up in both wars more than we were, but we steeled ourselfs and our leader made calls that apparently made the differance.

    Tired of the crying especially over close hard fought wars. Frankly yall were more top heavy in the second war and we still worked around it with strategy. Get over it!! We also dont need to use smoke and mirrors to try and hide ourselves, we come at you as we are, and who we are. If you cant lose with honor and integrity same as when you win find a different hobby:) ◤Front out◥
  4. PS To the rest of s.o.f.t. warriors much respect for hard fought battles and for swinging it out with intensity:) really enjoyed the close fights!! Love you sassy
  5. Kotfe v S.O.F.T. was a great war as we fight every war we get matched vigorously and so does kotfe. However, in both matchups we were outmatched by 55M CS and 65M CS. That strews back to the devs matching based on ability to hit not ability to get successful hits. No offense to kotfe, but I don't think the devs should match that big of a difference. I give much credit to clans that can overcome a gap of 50M CS or higher, as there are only a select few clans that I have seen able to do it. If kotfe was 15 to 25M CS less I think it would have been a more fair matchup. As this feed is about to be deleted, much respect to Kotfe and we look forward to facing you again... we just hope that the devs decrease the gap we match with you next time :).

    Much respect to Kotfe and Front for 2 of the best fought wars that we have had. Both wars were well fought on both sides and for me toughest losses that I have been a part of or watched. Thanks!

  6. Quit ya blabbering we where 70m less CS last war and we won by 33%.
  7. I am gonna make this as polite as possible tho i have plenty i would like to say at this! There are FAR to many variations in builds and such signing up to find perfect cs matchups, and it will NEVER happen with any consistancy. Anyone who thinks otherwise is foolish.

    but how can you say being down by 55M cs is a huge mismatch?? Are you ******* kidding me?? that is close as hell. If you break it down over 29 members that is only 2m per player. If we were noobs with nothing but a bit of stats maybe that may be a factor (not much tho even then) What player with 2M more cs than you in this game is too much to handle? i will take on ANYONE with that bit more and be confident my knowledge and ability will overcome them:)

    get real people, unless it is litterally 100M + on the low side, the cs differential is rather arbitrary! Strategy and tactic are then your biggest ally and anyone can be overcome. Stop looking for scapegoats to your shortcomings and start looking for answers to fix it within your strategy!
  8. 2 leader boarders to zero and 2-3 more bigs then u have in bfa is far to much to over come 3 straight wars to open season ... U got to me kidding me
  9. And where are the devs ? 3rd war this week no posts since first ? Are they even looking at this crap ?