"I. Am not Warren, I'm Warren's ancestor Garthon, just using his body as mine, when he was unconscious he asked me to help and that is what I will do." The deep voice says nobly and a massive battle axe appears in my right hand. "Prepare to leave earth for another five years fiend." the voice shouts mixed with mine and my eyes start shining with white light as the ancestor warrior pushes destiny out of danger and starts exchanging blows with the guy.
Feeling the trance take over me again I feel the urge to go outside once I hear the mans voice "Until we meet again Destiny, I shall be on my way once more, I bide you all adé"(if that's how u say it lol)he then disappears.
Garthon's spirit is so strong that it disintegrates (burning's character) back to shadow and then I walk over to Destiny still in ancestor possessed me, and reach a hand out.
I open my eyes and stretch, getting up while yawning too. "Naps are goooood." I look around with my grey eyes, my eyes tearing because of the yawn.
Body forms all but left arm, metallic plated legs, an arm that hangs down to my ankle with a giant red eye at the palm and giant claws for fingers
I keep walking toward the outside still in a trance my eyes are glazed over and my movements are as if I'm sleep walking.
I wake, still limp in the man's grip and I scent elf and... The elf... I begin to see a kingdom appear in the misted fog. "s...w..h..." is all I could manage to say before pain makes me see black again.
I follow destiny and bury my axe into Patrick's chest and keep walking after roughly jerking it out. "Destiny wake up." I say so powerfully that it snaps you out of the trance.
I stroll back over, after being fully human again. Everyone seemed to be in the same area, but nobody was talking and it felt extremely akward. I debated wether to say hi or not.