As Anthony polishes off his fifth tray of food, he asks me. "So. Where's the girl!?" "I already told you, she's asleep. You should sleep as well, we may as well take her with us." I say, and motion for one of the cabins. "Woah, Woah, Woah." Anthony says. "Things are tense back at HQ. When we get there, you'll see why. I'm not sure it's a good idea if she's there with-" "No." I say firmly. "She's coming, if it's on her worst or best behavior." Anthony looks at me, stunned. Then says. "You must really like this girl." And then he walks to a cabin and lightly closes his door, probably making designs in his notepad like all of us do. I then walk up to deck, taking the wheel and start thinking.
I run across the deck and grab the guy pentros body and jump off the ship with him in my arms I then race to Marcus's castle and knock on the door placing pentros body on the step.
I answer groggily "hello? Oh it's you listen those orcs were rebels I went and embraced my darkside fully back there I mean the elf Capitol gas been reduced to rubble towns have been wiped out I almost even killed you..."
"hes back at the hideout and Im on the In a way so I should be on my way now"I turn around and start to walk into the woods
"no stay please I need the company tonight so lonely killed everyone... " My eyes turn green and I start sobbing.
My necklace stops flashing and my eyes turn back to it's original ice blue and I turn around and look at you "ill just stay for tonight..that's all" I say feeling a bit guilty then I gracefully walk past you into the castle.
I turn the wheel around, to the direction of where we should go and go full speed ahead, and then I sit down and start sketching.
I stare at you "Woah what a beautiful body" eyes turn back to normal "err umm just so you know I destroyed the elf Capitol and I umm killed everyone
"and your acting as if, this is the greatest thing ever?, you know what I think it was a mistake coming here..I'm leaving" I barely glance at you as I pass you to get towards the door.
"I just wanted to let you know and be careful dawns approaching don't fie out there... I said it brcause my masters taking over trying to kill your good in me I was thinking I should bite someone good [galnxrs at sleeping petro ] noo anyway thanks for stopping by and I'f you hear me talk in green eyes know it's not really me or red eyes!" I close the door and go to bed
I walk around the castle thinking in what to do next try to be good or kill all the elves and let loose....
I say out loud "I..I can help you okay? Just..just don't try any funny stuff ok?" I stand by the door waiting for you to come down.
"help me how..." I walk down and eyes turn green "Woah" eyes turn red"kill!" eyes turn normal i clutch my head "too many...!"
Before school post* I open the door and yell through clenched teeth."go to my room lock yourself in before he gets in!" I colapse to the ground and my eyes gradually turn red.
i start regreting telling my pack to go look for more of our kind when all of a sudden i hear a bow snap then a few centimeters away from my head is a arrow zipping by "elves" and i start sprinting on all 4 legs jumping and dodgeimg arrows as they fly by memy eyes turned blood red as i ran faster and faster and then i fliped over an arrow and landed on my 2 back paws and my right front paw and looked up and then the elves were scilent for i was in blood rage.
After the vampire stopped feasting I followed him onto some sort of a ship, where he disembarked later to a castle. I crept silently on the outside boundaries of the castle while they went in. I threw a rope that I got from the airship up to the battlements, which I scaled right after. I crept silently to the direction of the vampire while hoping no-one sees me.