war of warriors rp!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *IRONhulk (01), Aug 20, 2011.

  1. I yell out " I am the councouer nothing can stop me on my wake of terror!" my eyes turn green "what have a done..." I collapse to the ground but my red eyes return and I walk toward destiny and whisper"play along transfer your soul into an orc I'l kill you you go into the Orc then we revive your body"
  2. I start to wake up from my groggy state. As I lean up against the wall I wince in pain and lift up my shirt to see a deep knife wound, then I do the only thing I could do scream. "Let me out of here! Come out and show yourselves! Let me go!!"
  3. "UM HOW BOUT NO." I shout from hanging on to the side of the ship.
  4. Lol already on camo soo tell you what I walk over to the side of the ship and my eyes turn green I see Warren and pull him aboard " kill the orcs before I go berserk and kill all of you I'l tend to destiny"
  5. (Camo ur long gone into the lake lol)
  6. I sigh to myself and slowly walk onto the deck of my airship. "Training has got to be soon." I mumble, hoping he comes soon.
  7. (nope I was on the side of the boat at the time, no orcs could've gotten me :p)
  8. I laugh insanely "I am councouerer of elves but this elf this one must live releae her orcs before I kill you all for insolence " my eyes turn red and I start killing the last I'f the rebel orcs.
  9. I send out a telepathy message to everyone I had turned into a vampire go to my airship for training and practice!
  10. I keep screaming until I grow hoarse and I try to stand I'm too weak and I try to crawl around the cell but there are chains around my ankles. "What do you want from me!"I yell into the blackness and then start to sob.
  11. I ignore the message, seeing a figure in the distance and smiling. I then yell, "Hey Anthony!"
  12. I look sourly at Marcus as I get pulled aboard. "You do one thing wrong and I'll make sure there is no other bodies you can use to keep yourself alive." I threaten, "by the way Marcus. Look at her right ring finger when you get the chance." I add. (wedding ring lol) I then get to slashing orcs left and right.
  13. I scream into the night and walk up to destiny "elf tonight your power had taken me over but my master delivered me you I will releae you go to Warren help him before I change my mind" I say through clenched teeth.
  14. Um what the heck thought you were gonna treat her wounds ih. Lol)
  15. I quickly say "today is a good day to die! I jump break off a propeller of my airship and use it as a hanglider" hop on Warren and destiny!"
  16. Lol already did a couple pages ago when she wad groggy
  17. Pulls out Chinese pistol and shoots marcus' head and mutters "headshot" LOL I WAS KIDDING it was just a ooc joke)
  18. I remain still, leaning against the wall lapsing in and out of consciousness the poison really spreading into blood streams.
  19. "How you been, Smight? Haven't seen you in a while! Too many blank faces back at HQ!" Anthony says, laughing.
    "Good. What are you gonna teach me today?" I ask.
    "Well, with that ship of yours, you're already ahead of me!" He says, pointing towards the looming aircraft.
  20. Lol it was funny.