I let out a small moan and rub the back of my head when I regain consciousness, my eyesight flickers and I start seeing things that took place after I got knocked out. I grip my head and slowly get up. (yes I can now see the past I want a cool powah ) "The orcs...airship..." I mutter to myself piecing together who must've sent them out. Then my eyes widen and they turn completely white again. "Marcus." I shout and start following the images that keep flowing into my head of where they're taking Destiny.
I began to cough up blood on the ship, and i turned to see Marcus. I hope he wasn't paying attention. Good thing it's happening now. I thought, and yelled in pain. My fingers began to fuse, as did my toes, so there were three per appendage. Also, my head throbbed with pain as a tail began to sprout, covered in silver scales that matched the moon.
I let out a soft groan and open my eyes to see I'm in the arms of an Orc, "oh no, what..what happened to Warren?..he..he can't be..de.." I think panicky I suddenly jump out of the orcs arms and stab him in the throat and starts fighting every Orc in sight.
I stumble and fall into a dusty patch in on a dirt road and instantly pick myself up and start running as I look up and see the airship a few miles away.
I look at pentro "are you okay" I hear my orcs and fly Down to see my orcs and Warren and destiny I yell out"stop it men who gave you permission to do this!"
I stumble over a rock seeing a big image of a slaughter of a trading caravan and slide into the dirt and keep sliding until I'm on the edge of a drop off holding on to the side of the road.
I say"I apologize destiny theese orcs obviously are rebels " I fire down on them . "hope that helps!" I turn my attention to pentro. "are you okay ? You need a healer"
I barely notice Marcus talking and the Orc coming up behind me until I feel a sharp pain in my lower back and warm liquid leaking out I let out a cry of pain and collapse onto the ground. "Marcus, you have grown soft and clueless on what's going on, you have just created the thing to our power"the Orc leader points down to the unconscious elf, "you need to pull it together, and pull us through victory" he looks at Marcus evenly "okay? She will not be harmed but if she resists like she did just now..there will be consequences" an evil glint in his eye showed.
As more scales covered my body, my clothes began to fuse and disappear, revealing that my entire torso down to my feet are covered in scales. I was not a plump dragon, not at all. I was rather like a snake that can walk, and my claws got bigger and longer. My figure began to fill as it began thicker at my stomach. Finally, two horns shot from my scalp. My scales also changed color, turning into a deep maroon. The tail exteneded, and then it felt like two arms shot out of my back. They extended the fingers on them, reach out as wide as i was tall, and the leather wrapped around them, and scales covered the outside. The leather parts shown on the insife were a tan. Finally, spikes lineing from my skull to my tail sprouted out a few inches. The last bit... i thought to myself, and tried to find Marcus. I couldn't see anymore, and my eyes began to squish and stretch. They became almost slits, as my eyes changed. The colors all rearranged, but they still were blue in blue. As my muzzle came out, the final scales covered it. I felt my teeth shift and rearrange, and my insides finally get done. I sigh with relief. "Maybe i'll do it more next week..." I said to myself, and sighed, my voice lower, then told Marcus, "And i'm fine."
I slowly pull myself up and start jogging towards the mass of bodies and terror strikes my heart as I see Destiny's figure on the ground and start picking up speed as I take out two daggers and hold them out so that itll strike anything on either side of me that's close. Everyone hears a loud war cry which comes from me as I come up fast.
I yell listen here Orc boy I and this guy here[points to pentro just took down most I'f the elves garrisoned at the city bear here turn your attention their this elf may only be harmed I'f I say so!"
At page 114 you mentioned TF2 by Valve. You guys have it? I have "The Orange Box" which cokes with Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2 EP1, Half-Life2 EP2, Portal 1, and TF2 for Xbox 360. You can see it in the middle... Well, night all, somehow I'll have to get into the story tomorrow...
I stretch out on all fours, and get up how a normal person walks. "How are you talking to?" I asked, trying to find the second party Marcus is chatting with.
"Not you again" the leader says he picks up destiny killed and jumps up onto the airship and runs pasts Marcus and hits the control button making it fly away really fast. "Don't kill him boys or his girlfriend will not cooperate with his, just..put him out of commission for a while" he says while laughing evilly, then looks down at destiny seeing her side bleeding a lot "ooh we better clean you up now huh?" The orcs start running towards the elf in all directions all snarling from each side trying to distract him, then the big Orc warrior comes up behind him and knocks him out and throws him behind a tree.
I yell "legate stand down you must go to the elf city it's weakened and in chaos I will tend to the elf leave before I dispatch all of you pulls out sword and stabs an Orc in the chest "never disobey me I'f you purge into a civil war the elves will find our weakness we must work together but I am not afraid to kill disobeyers!"
The second in command steps forward and looks at pentro "because we have orders" then he and the rest of the orcs walk past him deeper into the airship.
The Orc cries out in pain and falls to the ground "Master, we seek only to serve you but we will not leave you alone with the girl you have grown soft and you have to except the fact that she hates you, and always will because we kill her kind, but we can use her for our advantage, embrace your dark side again, you might as well because there's no good in you that makes you strong."