war maybe happening this weekend!!!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ZachGhost, Nov 17, 2012.

  1. But if we call them terrorists, bombing innocents is justified.

  2. I'd also like to add that Moose's prediction seems reasonably likely to happen. Although if there was WW3, it would be intense nuclear bombardment but shouldnt last much longer than a few months. So be prepared everyone.
  3. Crazy that religion and history (mostly religious history) separate these people. Jews are probably more closely related to Palestinians and Iranians than anyone else in the world. Their ancestry all comes from northern Iran/Black Sea region.


    The map shown clearly shows that Persians, Kazakhs, Jews, Palestinians, and European Jews (descended from Khazars) have bloodlines in common.

    They need to get over their barbaric religious history and focus on a shared history. Blood is thicker than water.
  4. On Iran and their threats to Israel:


    "wiping Israel off the map" would be suicide.
    Unless Iran is willing to sacrifice their existence, they are bluffing. One missile fired at Israel would bring a barrage of warheads from the 6 nuclear subs the Israelis just purchased from Germany. Goodbye Persians.

    Nuclear weapons force super powers to deal with small country's in a special way. Having 6 or 7 bombs insures your country is taken very seriously. Iran wants to be taken serious, they want a global role. Turns out, crazy people are only taken serious when they hold their fingers over the trigger of a nuke.
  5. To everyone saying that nuclear war is probable.

    Maybe it is, but to be absolutely honest, the Arab League isn't so much intending to wipe out everyone but themselves as much as getting rid of the "invaders". These invaders invaded their land, so they fought to take it back. Then, they took the west bank which is religiously important and now politically important due to the Palestinians living there who are being oppressed. In all honesty, while it is extremely tense there, nuclear weapons won't be launched there. Apart from the fact that it would be incredibly stupid to do that, many Arabs would die as well. The peninsula, the west bank and Syria would probably suffer.
  6. I have to come back to this thread and apologize for my words.

    I do stand by my belief that the state known as Israel is illegitimate.

    I believe those in power in the state known as Israel have repeatedly abused the Palestinian people in the exact same way the American "settlers" abused the indigenous people of America when they "landed on Plymouth Rock" (not going down that story either).

    I have had the Israel/Palestine discussion more times than I care to, and I have no plans to continue it here on this thread because I know where the conversation leads and how it will end. No one will walk away convinced by the other side's position, but I will state my opinion then leave the thread, unless someone has specific questions for me.

    I know a few Jews. I think the ones I know are wonderful people.

    The Jews to whom I was referring in my earlier post are the ones who direct the geopolitical policies of the nation known as Israel and who repeatedly push, stretch, and violate the boundary of the 1967 Border Agreement. The ones who cut off the supply lines of precious natural resources, like water, and who have reduced the Palestinian state down to a series of islands within Israel (see Palestinian apartheid). They are the Jews who would use deadly force against a flotilla of humanitarian aid in the name of "defending its borders." I believe they are evil, filthy, disgusting people.

    I believe Jews (obviously) have a right to live and that they have the right to have their own nation. I believe the state known as Israel ought to return to the mutually agreed upon 1967 border, and that is the only way for peace to exist between the two nations going forward. Until the leaders of the nation known as Israel roll back their borders and return the land that rightfully belongs to the Palestinians, which Israel agreed to at the time, there will be endless violence in the region.

    This is what I meant to (and should have) said.

    Again, I apologize for failing to express myself effectively and for allowing my feelings on such a delicate topic allow me to reduce myself to such a low level of intellect.
  7. Isint think countries would be stupid enough to use nukes knowing the world could literally end, they would most likly use them as a last resort
  8. Do you believe that if Israel were to move back their borders the war would stop? Personally, I think that this would encourage the violence as many of the Arab states would see this as a sign that Israel is weakening.

    @orb: MAD simply ensures nuclear war will not occure (supposedly). However, a non-nuclear war is entirely possible.
  9. @galaxy,

    I did say that i believe violence would end if Israel rolled back its borders.

    The reason the UN is sympathetic to Palestine is because Israel is in violation of the 1967 agreement.

    If the Arab world intended to do anything to Israel, i believe they would have already done it. Look at all the atrocities Israel has already committed. The Arab world has more than enough reason to act already. I believe that rolling back the borders wouldn't encourage them to push Israel further. I believe it would encourage peace and reduced regional tension.

    Your argument is what Israel has been using for years to support their push for Israeli border expansion, and I believe it's flawed logic for the reasons I stated above.
  10. And if the Arab world or Palestine pushed Israel beyond the 1967 borders, like Israel is doing now, the Palestinians and Arab world would lose UN support on the issue and they would likely be crushed.
  11. Galaxy, no one can take that risk. Will the USA expect that no nuclear missiles will be launched from the middle east? It's highly tense and extremists could be elected. If that happened, the world would already be in such carnage that no one could stop it. No...until the technology to stop nuclear missiles is developed, a war between two super powers would not be risked.
  12. @touch:
    All countries involved have commited terrible acts.
    And, chances are, if Israel's borders were moved back to their original limits, we would end up in the same situation eventually.

    Extremists already HAVE been elected. Leaders of Iran are willing to let their people starve for nuclear missiles, and stoning somebody to death is considered an acceptable form of punishment.
  13. It's not that Iran won't fire it but its more likly to be overtaken by terrorists and then fired
  14. And war will mean that nuclear missile may be pointed at America. I do not think however, that they will point it at Israel. Perhaps they are as cold blooded as you say, to kill almost all the Arabs in the surrounding areas. That leads me to question Americas conduct on this matter. No, I think that this nuclear missile is for defensive purposes. Now officially they cannot be threatened by nuclear weaponry by principle of MAD.
  15. America has a policy that states it will never launch nuclear missiles at any country that does not have nuclear missiles. And Israel can't launch a nuke without ruining any chance they have for support in their cause. Iran doesn't need nukes for defense.
  16. @Galaxy,

    I'm not going to argue with you. You have your beliefs. I have mine.
  17. Galaxy, it's a political world. Politicians may say that but in extreme cases, if politicians change, Iran wants some defense. Also, Iran gains a sense of power. Right now, a nuke is defensive and offensive.
  18. I dont know where you get your info. But a statement released by the whitehouse pres. Obama last night:

    " American supports isreal 100%, Isreal has the right to defend itself "

    so give isreal time to.defend itself first. The U.S. has its hands full now. But i garantee that if need be we will be there to assist.

    BTW anyone see the hamas leader duck as the missle flew over his head during his press release statement lmfao
  19. EbLord, there was a war against Israel by Syria and many other Arab countries. Syria had around 10x more infantry, 500 more tanks, 10x the artillery pieces etc. Americas statement? It was something around the lines of

    "We will remain neutral for the time being."