war maybe happening this weekend!!!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ZachGhost, Nov 17, 2012.

  1. Fijian I feel sorry for you and your views and hope if you have children you do not brainwash them with these radical racist opinions. What gives you or the USA the right to wipe a religion off the face of the earth?
  2. Fiji, you're not an engineer. I happen to know that requires an asvab of at least 60. Joking.

    But seriously, I apologize for suggesting you're too flabby to do two pull-ups. Unless you're in the navy (goes without saying).
  3. We just need to give it another 50-100 years as religion will be damn near extinct as the younger generations are starting to see how foolish it is to place your faith in some made up thing. Have faith in yourself! Religion is the basis off all major conflict, the Arab spring is the start of something great, it will takes 100's of years but once everyone in the world is educated religion will cease to exist. We are already starting to see it and bible thumpers can argue all they want but look how powerful the church use to be 500 years ago to 200 years ago to now.
  4. Because when it happens in front off yr eyes, it changes you. Been there and done it bro. And I'm not racist at all. I just have a one side opinion in regards to terrorists. When u watch any terrorist kill yr own, then come and talk to me. Lost family an friends because of terrorists . I don't hate Islam at all, to the contrary, I hate all that hide behind a religious facade to create terror in the name of his/her religion. As u can see happening in Isreal, West Bank, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, and many more, the commonality is one thing, their view of everyone else. And to be clear on that point, if u ain't Muslim , become one or die. Though the religion in a peaceful one, the cast of characters that purport terror, those are the ones I hate. Ps, I have Muslim as family , I'm from Fiji, we have lived peacefully with our Muslim brothers for yrs. but looking at the Middle East, one has to draw a line.
    Why did we go into Iraq, Afghanistan? To free these ppl from the extremist factions, to give them a chance to survive an live free.
    Here everyone takes a stance that we should not get involved with Isreal, why?
    We let them as a nation as a people be continuously be oppressed? Hitler did that, now the nations around Isreal are trying to do the same.
    I say the hell with that. Stand now and take action, maybe my views don't sit we'll with others , no issues, free country , u voice yr own. Know why, cause our forefathers of this great country have us that freedom.
    Peace out
  5. , no push up emoji!!
    Yea with the advancement of today, with WWW, that's World Wide Web, the world has shrunk, and as views of democracy etc et out there, things will mellow out.
    But inaction is not going to get us there.
    Lates y'all ! Good talk! I think the best I've had here in forums ever!
  6. Israel has already stripped gaza city of 1.5 tril.

    Meanwhile - Gaza puts up two weak fail strips on Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, while taking to shelter and launching an online crusade of tweets while using the clan Children as a meatshield.

    Seen it a hundred times

    I love war
  7. This is all simple. The governments don't control the wars or start them. The bankers start wars. If we don't back our alliance with Israel we will suffer. The goal of the banker is to break the United States. Once they break the U.S all other countries will also break. Then they will seize control over the U.S and the world. Then once this happens there will be a one world currency. We will no longer be free anywhere in this world. We will be controlled by One World Order. It's gonna happen and no one will stop this. You can call me crazy, Irdc. I've watched this world change the past 10yrs and it's turned to hell in a hand basket . Enjoy your freedoms now cause you won't have them later
  8. Israel = boot
    Opposing/conflicting country = ant
  9. Well romneu wouldve said "terrorists? Haha well I'm mormon." why? Cause he's an idiot.
  10. Israel, has just as many terror type attacks on Palestine we've been dealing with them for years. Also from what experts say due to our sanctions on Iran and Syria the fighters (terrorists) of Palestine have no way of getting more weapons etc so it'll destroy Hammas in the end.
  11. All major world powers have nukeclear weapons, everyone is just afraid to use them.
  12. Poor Palestinians :(.
  13. Ill_reset_on_you,

    Anti-semitism refers to discrimination against Arabs as well, since both Jews and Arabs were Semites.
  14. Little Hitler?
    Stfu and ask some people at the street, if they maybe want to give you some love in your life...
  15.  touch me. You're an idiot and have finally shown your true colors. I pretty sure that your comment deserves a silence/forum ban.
  16. Touch Me, I sympathize but do not share your hatred. Had you left out the word "filthy", I think you'd get a lot more support. Most people today don't recognize one tribe as the 'chosen' that has special rights or value over any other. I agree that Palestinians are human beings that share 99% of the same values, hopes, and desires in life with people from all over the world, including Jews. Many Jews actually sympathize with the Palestinians. Calling them 'dirty' is not effective. That being said, I have Jewish friends who have told me that all Palestinians are cockroaches.

    This hatred has to stop. We have the rest of history to all enjoy together in peace or in suffering. Those who do not actively work toward peace are the cause of all of this.
  17. Israel will attack Iran in the near future, probably early next year - you watch.
  18. And please shut the **** up with calling the Palestinians 'terrorists'. It's unbelievably stereotypical and racist towards muslims, and 99.99% of palestinians have no intention of harming anyone.