war maybe happening this weekend!!!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ZachGhost, Nov 17, 2012.

  1. The USA has no business backing Israel as long as it is Hamas vs. Israel. As stated earlier in this thread Israel can more than handle Hamas on their own. The USA is not the world police force and Israel is just as much in the wrong in this situation as the Palestinians are. This situation is extremely volatile and if I agree with one thing moose said its that it is always a lose-lose situation getting involved with Middle East conflicts. Look at the facts Israel stole the land by force years ago if they want it let them defend it themselves no point putting American lives on the line for a war that will never end.
  2. If there is a nuclear war and the apocalypse begins what will American's debut matter?
  3. December 21st is getting awfully close
  4. If needed? Who in the region could possibly take on the Israelis? Egypt would get their ass handed to them. Syria has its own problems. Jordan is trying to be more like Europe, less like the other fanatical states around it. Iraq is a mess and doesn't have a functioning army. Turkey also is leaning toward Europe, does not share blood ties to the Arabs, and is moderate. The only possible threat to Israel is Saudi Arabia (they have those F16s that we keep selling them). Saudi Arabia, however, is like a coke addict. They can grow enough food to feed 1 million people. They have 25 million mouths to feed. So they sell their oil and buy food. If they start a fight, we can starve them out in a month. Same with Egypt at this point...dependent on food imports from the US.

    Nobody is going to fight Israel except the Palestinians. They are the only ones with nothing to lose. Israel doesn't need out help with this.
  5. Also the f-16 we sell are obsolete to ours too
  6. Active military bud, 3 tours and 4th one coming, so we just wait until or he'll breaks loose in the Middle East and then send our boys in to die? Hell no, crush them now before it spreads. Orpheus yr argument is invalid in regards to this event, given out past endeavors as a "world police" backfired. As an American , I cannot stress the importance of backing Isreal in its efforts to fight terrorists. Yes terrorists , all those fucks in the West Bank are terrorists , who hide behind religion to spread extremist views disregarding every one else's rights to exist peacefully. Nuke the damn Middle East is what my personal views are but as a soldier I can this country under this government go in a direction that is lending to a world wide war because of the liberal views of tree huggers who think they know what price we pay everyday in the current affiliated wars we are stuck in. Our failures to act in the past has us in this situation. Here presents another challenge that we will just " watch n see" again and then act late, passing the burden to the soldiers of this country.
    Remember that majority of our military components and technology is based right out of Isreal. They fall so does our supply to maintain the edge. Look up NSOF, the patriot battery , the advancements made has been in theater at Isreal. So yea, this affects us greatly.
    Been in the service for 20 years as and engineer and I have been to Isreal and have been privy to this knowledge. BAE is another Israeli based company that is a military contractor that has crucial component manufacturing operations in Isreal.
    So yes , we need to act and act now.
  7. So, let me get this strait OP. You wanna go start another war in the middle east? Are you that desperate for America to be in another war, or do you just have so little respect for the lives and livelihood of American troops that you don't care if they die?

    Israel can take care of itself. They don't need our help, and American involvement will only cause escalation and an extension of any conflicts. It is literally a no win situation for America if we get involved.

    TL;DR version: war is stupid. OP wants war. OP is stupid
  8. I believe the expansion of Israel's border has made it become an illegitimate nation, and they should return the land they have stolen since the 1967 Border Agreement with Palestine to restore Israeli legitimacy.
  9. @DC

    Israel didn't steal the land as you put it.
  10. Filjain if ur personal views are really to nuke the whole middle east, not to mention I doubt ur military, I'd advise u to seek some mental help
  11. The war on terrorism will never be over. Ya we killed Bin Laden with SEAL Team 6 and those were our best. They were killed by terrorists in a later mission so anyone who said we won after the kill is wrong. Terrorists will easily start a WW3 and when that happens we all know that there will be nuke after nuke touching down. The war won't end until Earth has destroyed itself. That is why it is important to take out as many terrorists as possible as soon as possible to prevent the destruction of the world. We DO NOT negotiate with terrorists nor will we ever.
  12. I hope touch_me is trolling.

    There's a thing called being anti Semitic. It's what hitler was. And we know how that turned out.
  13. Well I don't mind being in some war sure get paid very well being deployed
  14. Fijian, you can't honestly say that if it was your decision to make, you'd just nuke the whole Mideast. They're all human beings and deserve to live. The bad apples in their society are the religious fanatics. I don't think there is a military solution to 1000 years of religious hatred in the Middle East. Hell you can't even keep the Shia from bombing the Sunni in Iraq.

    If there were a military solution, it would not involve nukes. It would involve sniper teams. If it were PC to say such a thing, I'd say the head of the serpent is the imams and the Islamist political groups...
  15. The last war we spent over a trillion on. Unless it is really necessary, we shouldn't go to war again.
  16. Just saying! One big glass land! No more East no more issues. Maybe my views do need some mental evals. But again personal view. Too bad my hands not on the trigger! Issue would have been solved 2decades ago.
    But I agree with post by DC, well said and written.
    And yea, Isreal can handle themselves no doubt. It's what's gonna get through the cracks that make me apprehensive. With axis of evil, yea I went there, governments continue to back the Hamas and the terrorists , what's stopping them from getting in to the porous US borders and spread that "hate" here? To what limit do we as a nation allow these elements to exist?
    War is costly on all sides, have lost too many already and looking at a bleak economy, with even weaker leadership , I worry not of mine but my kids future.
    That being said, I have not seen our President even reach out and try to have a relationship with Isreal. But when Usama was taken out, he was first to say, look at me... Taking too much credit post op.
    I stand by my values.
    Happy trolling
  17. Orpheus , one word YES, I would.
    Maybe I'm just too radical.
  18. And agree, snipe the heart of extremism , the leaders, imams etc.
  19. @Filjian First u talk about nuking a bunch of countries then talk about worrying about your kids' futures.. Dude shut up ur a tool
  20. Yep def a tool! But a very sharp tool at that.
    Strike fear at the heart and fear is no more.
    Go hug a tree...