war maybe happening this weekend!!!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ZachGhost, Nov 17, 2012.

  1. Didn't pay attention much just from what I heard but I guess I heard wrong:p
  2. Whoooooo!!!! He only won by 2 measly percentage points in the popular vote!!!!! That must mean that he did awesome!!!!!!!!!!

    On another note. I hope Israel doesn't start a war as I think the U.S. would get involved. Seeing as how we have always tried to help that little nation out, someway or another.

    Remember that most Muslim nations around Israel believe that Israel should cease to exist. And while you defend their right to a Palestinian state you forget that the Muslim nations instigated almost every single war, except the six day war, against Israel. So they lost their land fair and square (though Israel was outnumbered in every armed conflict). so they technically have no right to those lands anymore

    Just like Mexico doesn't have a right to Texas, Colorado, California, etc.
  3. So what ur saying is.. War happens , got it๎„….
  4. Lol at moose's predictions. He predicted a Romney victory (may have even guaranteed it I cannot remember) awhile ago. Then more recently he predicted an election that would be too close to call due to Ohio and predicted the democrats would somehow cheat to win. Well he was wrong again as Obama won Florida an Ohio and the election was called just after midnight eastern time. WW3 is an extreme prediction, Iran may be close to a nuke but you have to arm it somehow you have to test it, they are no where near close to weaponizing a nuclear weapon. Lets say they do fire off an un tested nuclear warhead, they are risking not just wiping the Israelis off the map but millions of Arabs as well. They would even be risking contaminating their own country. Now lets say Israel attacks Iran, do you really think China and Russia will go to war with the USA? I do not see that happening. Your prediction for world war 3 is what? Russia China and the Middle East (minus Israel) vs. USA Canada England etc.?? Really come on now...
  5. War with china wouldn't be fun ._.
  6. War with China would be hilarious. *Inserts insensitive joke here* Plus we'd be outnumbered like 100 to 1 (slight exaggeration)
  7. The odds of war against Russia or China are exceedingly slim given our interdependence and economic relationships at this point. @ Moose if Russia and China are at odds with US/EU interests why say the UN will be involved? UN actions must be unanimously decided in the security council, meaning officially the UN would be powerless. This, realistically, has an exceedingly low chance of developing into WW III. We're all too connected now for that to be a realistic scenario. Also, The President of Iran (the one who runs his mouth and is crazy) is not in charge of Iran in any capacity.
  8. OP, I volunteer you to go fight. Seriously, you chickenhawk, put you money where your bug gap is an go to Israel. I'm sure you can catch a flight over there tomorrow. Unless, of course, your just full of ****. Let me know when you get there. I won't hold my breath.
  9. @Akrhino

    But the supreme leader Ali kamheni (somethinglikebthat) is even crazier then the other guy. :eek:
  10. I vote let's bomb the poo out of Libya and call it a day๎‚
  11. Only an idiot frat boy would think that's funny, Darmada. How about somebody bombs the poo out of your hometown?

    It's not something to joke about.
  12. Actually I'm in the military.. N what Libya pulled got me pretty mad..
  13. It technically wasn't Libya. :roll: it was extremists IN Libya.
  14. "Libya" didn't pull that. A few people, possibly from Libya, likely funded by the Saudis. If anyone in the world is to blame for the Islamist extremism, it's our 'allies', Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

    Most Libyan have a lot in common with us. They don't hate us and they don't deserve to die.
  15. War seems inevitable.

    Israel doesn't need American help.
    It has proven itself very capable of handling it's own affairs. Egypt should step back and sit down before they receive an ass whooping along with the Palestinians.

    But, personally, I do not support Israel. They killed Hamas's top military leader and expected them to just take it? HA! What a joke...๎ˆ
  16. MAD only works when there is a legitimate gov on the opposers side. The terrorist have one goal: kill everyone not Muslim .
    I'm retrospect to all the comments, Moose has the most clr answer , war is coming.
    We need to back Isreal now. Crush the Hamas , the Muslim brotherhood , etc.Or sit and wait and have another 9-11, then react.... Action is what is needed. Too bad Patton isn't alive...,
    We are too PC in terms of religion. Black is black and white is white, Muslims will never accept anyone else's rights to co-exist, so support Isreal in its efforts to protect its ppl. We just need to do our part and back our ally. Obama is not going to act, but I refrain to bash our Commander in chief.
  17. Fijian, there are hundreds of flights leaving for Israel every day. Assuming you're not too pudgy to do one or two pull-ups, maybe the Israeli army will take you. There's nothing stopping you...

    So are you going or were you just volunteering other people's kids (and tax dollars) to get into a fight that's not our business?
  18. What ooz said Israel is a very capable military force. But that don't mean we won't lend support if needed.
  19. Muslim isn't a religion.. It's called Islam, and no the religion isn't the issue it's the extremist just like any other religion has... So your point is invalid sir