war maybe happening this weekend!!!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ZachGhost, Nov 17, 2012.

  1. Us here in Canada will probably get dragged into this somewhat. Sucks
  2. And if a war breaks out it is going to be near impossible for my family especially for my dad to take planes into the US :(
  3. US has promised to support Israel. Like in the Yom Kippur war, the 6 day war, the first war etc.

    There hasn't ever been actual war between Russia and US. This has been despite the obvious deterrent of an anatogist having nuclear weapons. I don't know if this nuclear weapon will be a deterrent or something that will start the war but I personally believe it to be a deterrent.
  4. We've been very close to nuclear war at least a few times during the Cold War. Also, I don't think the Cold War policy of MAD is fully applicable here. Then, it was two superpowers (in basic terms) and their respective proxy allies versus each other. Now the situation is more multifaceted. Also, the threat is to Israel... Not to the Western European nations and North America directly.
  5. More multifaceted in that extremists may be on the loose? Yes. However, MAD is applicable until there is a technology capable of stopping nuclear missiles. Until then, MAD is a concept that all government must remember. Maybe I am just being too practical but I find that Iran is getting a nuke to protect itself and the world will go on. The two world wars were because there was no "doomsday" weapon. If there was, humans could not risk it.
  6. Why would we involve ourselves in more **** then we are already in not even adding to the fact this isn't our problem nor fight..
  7. What is frightening is the potential for Iran to launch a nuke against Tel Aviv. The same nuke could be used tactically to take out a nearby Western fleet or armored corps, which could cause a very quick shift in power in the region.
  8. It's Israel problem the U.S. doesn't need to be in another war I thank the ppl who voted Obama
  9. And then Ritter, war would be declared and the world would fall into chaos. I don't think Iran intends to use it offensively. It would affect the west bank, the peninsula, Golan heights, Syria. That contains a lot of Arab sites and settlements.
  10. If there is a war, the US should stay out(like always) to the end and supply. Fix the damn economy.
  11. Well if u wanted to economy fixed.. Reelecting Obama was the first of the poor choices
  12. Oh, and Romney would have been so much better?
  13. Well obama had his chance and ya.. Sayin no one knows how it could have gone down if Romney got elected
  14. You mean Obama has his chance? He's still the president. :lol:
  15. Talking about before he got reelected
  16. Well obviously the majority agreed with Obama and his methods darmada or e wouldn't be president again
  17. This is a simple solution let irsael fight its own battles we can't fight another war but if they all get out of hands and pull out a Nuc we blow them all up
  18. Obama won of electoral votes not popular votes, correct? Even then I didn't even bother voting in the election since both choices were pretty garbage IMO..
  19. So it's a simple solution just killing millions of innocent people because a situation is "out of hand".. Such ignorants
  20. Obama won popular by 2% and electoral by a landslide.

    You seem to be talking as if its still Election Day, and seen the votes at a random time when Romney was winning the popular.