War Matchup and Schedule for Week 13

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. Devs what are you doing with european servers, we could not make a scout in EE when opponents make 50 actions on you... We pay you and you give us **** server, it's a joke?! Do something quickly or all european warriors will stop your game!!!! Many less money for you!!!! More i think that what cost a good server
  2. Uhh devs you have matched us with a clan that we matched when we had lb players......
    They have 6 higher than me and im currently the highest warring in my clan.
    They have more bfa than our clan also how did we match this clan?
  3. Solid matchup today war 6, close the entire war. Much respect to THEM well fought.
  4. Matchups seem so random. No consistency. DS vs Clan A war 6 - 80m CS difference, BFA hugely one-sided and BFE about even.

    How is that remotely considered a good matchup? Can you please for once in the last few months break down the data other than just "hit ratio" to justify your thinking.

    LOOK AT ALL YOUR FEEDBACK IN FORUMS - 1 out if 30 people posting is happy w testing wars compared to season 1.

    While the modifications and testing new ways to make it competitive is appreciated, it's not working. Either make some significant changes while truly showing us data or go back to season 1.

    At least season 1 people could see matchup data and adjust clan to make it FAIR matchups. Right now so many are losing hope in having fun wars... Matching up people that prepare, track and use great strategies to very strong clans just so plunder is close even though other clan didnt even have to use crystals doesn't make it a good matchup!
  5. A request for devs: pls post the schedule for the upcoming ee season ASAP. Even before other details. I ask because advance notice about the timing of matches may make it possible to plan ahead effectively in terms of rl - to allow for warring in ee throughout the season. There may be others such as myself who are setting up rl fall schedules now (which may become difficult to adjust soon.) Ty.
  6. Test wars next weekend or is the next EE war on Monday?
  8. Pls announce the season 2 war schedule ASAP
  9. Wow. Just went thru tge entire thread posted by devs and the feedbacks given by diff players.

    If I hd posted a thread and had ppl crying and mourning on it non-stop fr 12 weeks (= 84 days) at a stretch, I myself wud hv avoided reading it lol.

    No wonder devs rarely read their threads and the feedbacks.

    This, and all other threads hv ppl crying abt everything, right frm lame matchups, to poor algorithms, pathetic hit ratio systems, bfa and bfe disadvantages, lb player problems, last signup clan out, bad ko times (10 minutes) instead of the more appropriate 15 minute ko time or random ko times, auto clicking and botting issues, poor plunder payout, losing clan prestige points, hand-picked matchups, undue advantage to bigger clans in 2 hr wars, dts/dtw concerns, low mith payouts, losing hard-earned real life money, time and energy, offering good alternatives to the existing matchup algorithms, not being able to equip/unequip during wars, frustrating lag issues during war, and putting up a hard fight even in the face of pre-determined defeats.

    C'mon guys, devs are still testing their algorithns even after 12 weeks.

    Its ok, life doesnt end here lol.

    P.S. Devs: You may wanna change your algorithms soon for the better. From what I see, players are losing confidence and patience. Many have already boycotted wars and others may follow suit soon. Who knows, players may actually stop playing here, and switch over to some other games available.
  10. @Devs. Season is suppose to start in five days,when should we expect to see a schedule for war times during the week? As it does take time and planning to have a persons schedule clear to participate in these wars and as I'm sure it is in your interest as many people as possible can participate. Thank you. Also if this isn't the best place for this question I would appreciate any redirection to a better forum thread