War Matchup and Schedule for Week 13

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. Thought test wars where for u to tweak ur programing but I see u have not tweeked or changed anything this week what is another identicle graph as last week gonna show u or us u have 6 wars of this data already ugh bring back a mix of 1 and 2hr wars and advantage wars I dind ur matching system fairly fair we have had several very close wars that both sides have most likely had a blast
  2. The hit ratio thing is pretty dumb imo... Lets say if there's a 10m CS hitter in opponent clan, and lets say I am around 3-5m CS , I can hit the 10m CS and he can hit me but I will fail all my hits if he has bfa and bfe stronger then me so what's the point of the hit ratio? Once I was match with people I can hit on the bottom of their clan roster and guess what? Their CS was 6X the size of me and I fail almost all my hits while they easily hit me...
  3.  JJProject is correct. Just because you can hit people it doesn't mean you can win.

    I can hit LB people but I have no chance of winning at all. This just means the LB's get to skim me for 90 mil a hit twice every 5 minutes safe in the knowledge they can't be touched in return.

    The only thing wrong with the matchup system at the end of S1 was BFE needed to be added in and GH needed to pay more per hit. Monkeys pounding keyboards could have coded that correctly eventually. Note I say monkeys and not apes...
  4. What the hell are you upto devs u say hit ratio.. what's the use of it say jj and others wrote I too agree on it use your barin and make correction in matchups not just keep collecting data.. data.. data for almost 12 week's..
    Hit ratio it means one can hit upto certain level what's the use if guild hansel hit a player with cs 6mill and high bfa but all his action's fails and the rival hit him like hell successfully.. is this the correct hit ratio according to you. Lmao..
    Read our feedbacks correctly and seriously, and make changes not just keep collecting data from last 11 week's
    Thank u waiting for your reply
  5. Hmm more data ! I love it but the key to testing is to change observe - and tweak ! Not continue the same matches while continually having your heads up your ass! Change something --- even if it results in more no matches or put ff but back in -- ( for those that will use it -- you reply to emails and etc about using forums to help you ! WELL YOU SHOULD ADRRESS THE THE CUSTOMERS! --NOT 1 response I can find yet about hf lvl 2 ---- REMEMBER IF YOU DON'T TAKE CARE OF THE CUSTOMER SONEONE ELSE WILL. - that is all ( atleast you guys say your trying to fix it )
  6. I agree with IlIIIIIIl_JJProject_IIIIIlllll ,Right on point.
    We keep testing this over and over , Didnt we do this last week ? What ever happened with random ko times to stop with the auto clickers and bots ? I have done tested this last week , where were you at ?? Therefore I probably wont test it again.. We tell you what the problems are and you dont respond , Instead just shove it right back in our face .I guess in the end from my analysis that you might have around 20-40 clans at most for season 2 at this rate and less and less every week.
    If you ever want to actually test your system please come join us ,send a dev and see how much time and effort goes in to a 2hr war and hopefully you will understand how your system works.
    I think I might be done with your system , tired of testing the same thing over and over ... Then to come to find out you haven't done anything other than makes us test it again .. I ask for what now ? Really have contradicted yourselves , With were going to change a set ko time to a random time to stop the botting and and auto trackers . Did yall fix that ?? Sure would like to know..?
    Thanks anyways .. :roll:
  7. How do you pick who is in the all star wars
  8. Agree with some comments, disagree with others

    (1) Prefer set KO times. 5 minute of spamming hoping to find a target is mindless, boring and employs no strategy. However, set KO timing means that if my clan is being sat on, we had better employ a crystal strategy to break out of that cycle or it will be a long two hours. Conversely, if our clan is sitting on the other clan, we had better be prepared for a crystal counter attack or the tables can be flipped rapidly and we will be the ones being sat on. Yes it requires trackers for both sides. However, I prefer a set ko war which requires teamwork, crystal strategy and focus to a two hour spam-fest turtle war.

    (2) I have never understood how the hit-ratio was supposed to lead to better matchups in real world situations. Perhaps I need someone who understands it better than I do to explain it to me. As I understand it, the THEORY is that a LB player does not affect the matchup because he cannot hit the bottom 90% of the opposing clan. However, in REALITY, the LB player would not BOTHER to hit that portion of the clan. Rather the LB player will concentrate on the top segment of the opposing clan thereby freeing the other players on the LB player's clan to hit the rest of the opposing clan. The fact that the LB player cannot DIRECTLY hit a large portion of the other clan does not mean that the LB player does not affect the war. The LB player simply frees us other clan assets in his own clan to take out the other side. Am I missing something?

    (3) The best matchup I can think of has been repeated ad nauseum. Calculate individual true strength (i.e. CS + BFA + BFE). Add up all individual true strength to give Clan true strength. Match clans with similar clan true strength against each uther (within say +/- 5%). If the clans are of unequal size, the smaller clan should NOT be the clan with lower clan true strength. Correct the GH payout issue (a great idea is put forth above) and voila . . matchups. Let the clans figure out the ways to best create their builds, which equipment to wear, the amount of allys to purchase--and take the matchup complaining out of it.

    See you in EE wars.


  9. I have an issue with us not having access to our gear during war. It's like sending a MARINE into battle with a weapon and no ammo. I understand gaming the game but if you were to create additional storage where our gear could be deprecated ex:ATTACK GEAR CABINET, ASSASSINATE GEAR CABINET AND EE/misc. cabinet. You can still keep us from "gaming the game", but if we can't access all of our equipment then why work so hard to get it. SINCERELY, DEVILDOG1992
  10. Wouldn't it make more sense if 47 signed up to try your matching with swapping the clan left out around? The last clan may make a perfect match and have butterfly effect on all other matches meaning every1 gets slightly better matchups? There's a chance last to sign up could be the odd clan out but 46/47 chance it would be better matches if you tried the others
  11. Hey devs lets reward every person who has done 10+ trial wars and give them a ring that gives 25% bonus to plunder for there dedication to bettering the game.....
  12. Dev's this is wrong. Please change this matchup proceedure. (and dump the useless dtw/dts code while you are at it.)

    "To answer all war matchup questions, this is how it works: "

    Step 1
    We count the number of people who cast the spell, if your clan is below or above the restriction, you are removed. If it is an odd number of clans that signed up, we remove the last member to sign up from the matchup.
    **Wrong, matchup's are more important than t a r d i n e s s. With less than 40 or 50 clans warring, you need all the clans available to make a potential match. Put them all in the matchup pot and let the one that does not match be the odd man out. Only if there is the last matchup and you have 3 possible matches, would you use the last one signed up does not get matched up.

    Step 2 **Step 3
    We look at your hit ratio. We make sure you that enough members from each clan can attack each other and not see without seeing the message 'You are too strong to attack' or 'You are too weak to attack'. We call this the hit ratio.
    **THIS should be step 3 if used at all. Personally, I think this is flawed thinking. Keep it simple. If you overthink a problem, you make the so called solution more complex. Listen to your customers. This is not working. Go back to the drawing board and ask yourself, what problem are you trying to solve, because this option is not working. Your paying long time lb players will need to fit into a clan that makes sense for the war. Don't try to negate or hide their strength with dtw/dts, it does not work for what you are trying to achieve. Your goal is to try and match up clans with somewhat equal strength for a war. Ignoring lb strength with this "hit ratio" crap is like having the alcoholic say he does not have a drinking problem... Ignoring it will not make it go away, only make it worse and piss off what customer you still have left.

    Step 3 ** Step 2
    We add a clan's combined stats, BFA and BFE and match each clan based on these stats. If the difference is too large there is no match. If a player cannot hit anyone from the other team, we do not measure them in this step.
    ** This should be the key to your matching strategy. With BFE added in to season 1's matching, you should be pretty close. This will not meet everyones wants, but it will be the best chance to match a majority of clans together for a good war.

    Note: We know there were some issues with the lower clans not finding a match up. This seems to happen because the differences in hit ratios and clan strength varies greatly between them. Unfortunately, none of the combinations between the lower clans created a matchup within the restrictions we have put in place.

    We are still adjusting our matchmaking algorithm and appreciate your patience and understanding.

    ** our patience is wearing thin now and our understanding is more like puzzlement. Please fix the gh exploit with the suggestion I made earlier and go back to season 1's matching with BFE included.

    **The KaW community as a whole has given you plenty of feedback, the least you could do is respond to us in the forums. If you ignore your customers, your customers will leave. Please let me know how that business model works out for you.

    As before, please send 100 xtals to this account for fixing your coding. Thanks.
  13. Wow devs your so stupid. You go 10 weeks without using 2hr wars constantly and 10 minute KO. Then you all of a sudden go back to the classic mode after you just wasted 10 weeks of us being the test rats.

    And the thing is, it's not even "classic" as you call it. At least make it back to dam 15 minute KO.
  14. At least throw a few 1hr wars in the mix..
  15. Hello Dev's,

    While I am at it, here is some other feedback that probably will not get read.

    The 2 hour wars and 10 minute fixed regen is fine for testing so it effects the plunder outcome less than random or advantage regen. I agree with that for testing purposes.

    For Season 2, I like a mix of 1 and 2 hour wars. I do like the 1 hour wars with random advantage window of 2 minutes (instead of 5 mins). This lets newer clans try out the war system without having trained trackers to work with and still have a fighting chance. I also like the 2 hour wars with fixed or advantage regen of 2 minutes (not 5 mins) because 5 mins of constant spamming is boring. Fixed regen is fun and a good test of team work for the clan. Experienced clans will do well in a 1 or 2 hour war, but the 2 hour war will usually emphasize the organization and teamwork of the clan. 1 hour wars are definitely fun and easier on the schedule.

    So my vote is for a mix of 1 and 2 hour wars for season 2. Thanks for listening....
  16. @ kaw_admin basically you are again asking us to test your broken systems for 6 more wars. How about first we get some information on the outcome of last weekend's tests? And some reply to the 14 pages of feedback and suggestions that have been posted last weekend? Before asking us to spend another 12 xstals times 29 people for more testing.

    This thread seems very much copied/pasted from week 12 where you already supposedly "tweaked based on the feedback". And last weekend had the exact same problems with matchups as week 11 and 10 and 9 and 8 and ... So how exactly were week 12 matchups "tweaked"? And how are you gonna "tweak" this weekend's matchups to make them better? So far I'm not confident this weekend will be any better so I'll save my xstals and sit this one out
  17. 2hr set KO war gives smaller clan basically no shot atty winning. Thanks in advance for another boring crappy weekend of wars.
  18. Once again, match clans on strength, drop hit ratio bs
  19. they cant drop hit ratio or they will have all their lb payers cast to the side again, they rather alienate 95% of their user base
  20. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
    -Albert Einstein.

    Pretty much says it all to the devs and those still doing and complaining about the wars. Nothing has changed but your pocketbooks.