War from PC Updates

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -lIlIlIlI-lI_Kemba_Il-llIlIlIl, Jul 27, 2013.

  1. I agree this is a bad update ... I went from using a 4g Droid with wifi and kaW would crash right in the middle of my action. So switched to p.c and seen this and was like ..huh...
    Please revert update or fix

  2. now wars are equal. it isn't the devs style, but I'm happy. now when my damn app crashes in the middle of an action, pc users can only take out 95% of my troops. the other 5% is wen the app is loading again-.-
  3. War is far from equal...I've never warred on a single device (I have plenty of them...including ipod gen 1) that has this bad of lag...I might as well crash and re-load app a few times. Would feel I'm accomplishing something that way. Warring experience was A+...now it's D+ at best. If there are abusers out there - botting wars, etc w pc - pls figure out another way to stop them. Wasn't that why we don't see actions to the end of wars anyway?? PC users that don't like the change need to speak up and e-mail the devs if this "update" is indeed the issue (thought it was just my pc before) or the devs are bound to keep it as a successful update. I for one w three full propack accounts and buy xstals for wars and ebs will quit kaw if this continues! What's the use warring if I am only a liability to my team? I won't put my team through that or myself through the frustration :/
  4. I'd at least like to know whether or not this was intentional by the devs. The no info from them is kinda irritating

  5. exactly sholron...I understand there are now a bunch of mechanics going into ewars. But pls communicate the change and why.
  6. Yeah the change sucks.
  7. Apparently it was a bug, fixed for week 9.
    Thank you devs 

  8. This is fixed.
  9. Thanks for the response KaW
  10. Thank u kaw admin! 

    We already acknowledged and requested lock 