war for newbies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by saltyfeet, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. I was siriusun before!
  2. Did you ever get in an ee clan salty?
  3. I tried to get doun to ur lebol cuz i wanted to war but i didnt wanna deal with tgem trols. Thats y i went to greath lenghts to rite what u uptight nerds would like. Then i got tired of catering to nerds and ribiilt the rial me.
  4. Eventually yes. I was gh an those were bery apriciated bye then
  5. I eben played dumb so i could relate to u guys. I cudnt keep that up 4 obius reasons
  6. What did u lern from these estory?

    B urselfes!
  7. This thread had no true purpose except mockery

  8. You cannot request a lock in a thread you did not post.

    Please refrain from posting. Thanks.

  10. Done
  11. I see...

    K then

  12. Salty for vk
  13. Such a badass!

    I wud request a forum ban from suport but a lock jad already bin requested so ill let it eslide
  14. Slaty is da bomb. He es essuch a baws. It's an wonder he isn't esmoderator already. Get on dis devs.

