War Crystals (Estoc Gem v3) *UPDATED*

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by cheezeplz, Mar 15, 2013.

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  1. Re: War Crystals (Estoc Gem v2)

    15x is a good medium, devs dont want to throw away xstal sales and players dont want to save a week for a xstal. This number SHOULD favor devs more than us since they dont HAVE to inplament it. Negotiate, you cant have it all
  2. Re: War Crystals (Estoc Gem v2)

    X5 the cost
  3. Re: War Crystals (Estoc Gem v2)

  4. Re: War Crystals (Estoc Gem v2)

    great ideal
  5. Re: War Crystals (Estoc Gem v2)

    Support. For players without the money and if ee wars are desireable, money for xtals IS a barrier to entry.
  6. Re: War Crystals (Estoc Gem v2)

    This isnt just for gold for xstal purchases either. Give a discount/deal for buying these with real money for war would intice more to buy. Right now it is 20$USD for 32 xstals and there isnt even a 10$ option. By adding a 10$ option for 18 wxstals and a 20$ for 40 wxstals it makes the players more interested because it is more reasonable. I bet many that dont even buy xstals would be willing to fork out some cash for a good bunch of xstals. I mean I would! I dont buy xstals not because im cheap but because I dont really need them , marginal cost extends marginal benefits and it is crazy to not have multiple option ei 10$ (maybe i dont want to spend 20 and i dot want to spend 5). Now that i somewhat need to have them to war I think devs should make it easier to war. Easier=more ppl=community happy=more profit
  7. Re: War Crystals (Estoc Gem v2)

    Yay link to my thread :)
  8. Re: War Crystals (Estoc Gem v2)

    * Now that devs are pushing the warring, they should at least make it easier (messed up on last sentence, they really need to add a edit button on phones...i am always in rush and always screw upCome at me grammer nazis!)
  9. Re: War Crystals (Estoc Gem v2)

    :lol: I'm the same way cheeze
  10. Re: War Crystals (Estoc Gem v2)

    Yes ender, i give credit where it is due. I liked the concept of estoc gem but need to tweak it. Thx
  11. Re: War Crystals (Estoc Gem v2)

    The only thing is that the devs will never do gold. This is a warring concept, so it will be worth mith if they implement it. Probably 10 or so mithril.
  12. Re: War Crystals (Estoc Gem v2)

    I have emailed the devs about the concept of this idea, their response was, "write a forum post and see what the community thinks. If enofe players support, get a mod to stickey the thread so the devs can take a look."
    The concept is great. This is a mix between a "Free game" and a "9plus" age game!
    By creating this system, wars are the only way to obtain mythril and the red paladin equipment. Their has to be some kind of system to give kids (who don't work) a chance to play with the big dogs.
    Otherwise a year from now, all the older players( not time in game but age) will have the benefits that the estoc wars give, wile the younger players (once agen , age not time played) are stuck wondering why they can't win on players with equipment!
    I'm not a DEV , but I can't think of a reason why they would purposely send this message.
    I think they will implement something of this nature if we support
  13. Re: War Crystals (Estoc Gem v2)

    As you can see there is tons of support from most players.

    Coming from a programmer, it won't be too hard to implement.
  14. Re: War Crystals (Estoc Gem v2)

  15. Re: War Crystals (Estoc Gem v2)

    Support 
  16. Re: War Crystals (Estoc Gem v2)

    This is ridiculous
    The price of 15 mith for one is is supposed to encourage people to buy normal ones?
  17. Re: War Crystals (Estoc Gem v2)


    Look at y post on the top of the page
  18. Re: War Crystals (Estoc Gem v2)

    Y = the
  19. Re: War Crystals (Estoc Gem v2)

    Epic idea full support
  20. Re: War Crystals (Estoc Gem v2)

    The idea sounds like it could actually work. Even as an adult I'll be the first to admit that I barely manage to scrape by every month without having to worry about purchasing xtals for wars. Don't get me wrong, I have and I most assuredly will again in the future. Granted 5 bucks even 20 bucks isn't much, but the way I look at it that's 5-20 dollars I can use for diapers, or a new toy for my son.

    At any rate, I fully support being able to purchase EE war xtals for a discounted price or even a gold transfer.

    Since there are so many supporters, I will sticky this thread for developer review.
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