War Crystals (Estoc Gem v3) *UPDATED*

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by cheezeplz, Mar 15, 2013.

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  1. SUPPORT
  2. Support
  3. Wow, never seen this before, but full support, it can allow everyone to war sometimes :)
  4. I remember this from a while ago 
    Devs way to selfish though...
  5. Sorry, but I can't let this thread die. We need this update
  6. Even tho op is inactive and this thread is 2 years old, support.
  7. We get some xtals refunded after the war. Good enough
  8. Damn sounds nice though it takes me forever to get that much
  9. Although it sounds like p2w it sounds good.
  10. It has been said multiple times for the past year and a half that they can't implement this. This thread need locked because it has been attempted and it did not work out and the devs have addressed multiple times as to why it didn't work.
  11. Regarding your first post-- The price of these war xtals would change depending on how big your stats are, the price in the pics are just examples.

    Regarding your second post-- This actually helps to take out the p2w by allowing more people to xtal during a war, making it a little more even.
  12. Support! It's about time! I have been waiting quite a bit between war for xtals, only to dump them on wars

  13. Support - this topic should be locked.

    Mods wake up! We already got an answer from develpers: not going to happen!

    Devs instead implemented a random refund of used xtals - good enough for me!
  14. Locked in lieu of current xtal refund mechanic currently implemented in war
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