War Crystals (Estoc Gem v3) *UPDATED*

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by cheezeplz, Mar 15, 2013.

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  1. Well, there could be a feature where during you can buy war crystals for a clan. The clan has an inventory of ___ war xtals. And then ___ admins agree to use them to regenerate the whole clan __ many times per war. Or they could be clan xtals that do the whole thing. Similar to how you needed 3 admins(or however many their are) to agree to declare a war.
  2. Also on the idea of clan power, you could have clan equipment that you get from doing certain ebs ___ many times, or spending so much mithril. Then the clan can contribute inferno/aqua/mithril to increase the power of those items that benifit every member of the clan. Similar to clan achievements.
  3. Support!!!
  4. Support! Great idea that has now been well thought through 
  5. Support, hope someone is listening.
  6. 2 years ago when OP started this post, it was a great idea, and it still is a great idea. However, looking at the ape's attempt to spruce up this game by giving new artwork and some UIX changes, I guess it's more important to listen to a few as opposed to listening to the majority. Anyway, support then, support now and until it is implemented, future support. ️
  7. You can as me to that list, support
  8. Support cheese
  9. Not for anything but the only reason I personally would get behind war xtals is if they are cheaper, much cheaper, than current xtals.
  10. Eh? Idea is old.
  11. Admin has already addressed this idea, and said that it isn't happening.
    Sorry people, keep buying xtals or farming quests.
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