War Crystals (Estoc Gem v3) *UPDATED*

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by cheezeplz, Mar 15, 2013.

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  1. Wow, lotsa supports!
  2. Support!! Great idea.
  3. Support mainly for my main tho :)
  4. SUPPORT for sure this is a great idea great work! :)
  5. The Developers hinted for it to be released in Season 3.

    Don't think so that they're working on it though. 

    Support Anyways!
  6. This is a more importand feature of the game than banners plz devs dont back down on your promise and release the war xtals!
  7. bump for 700+ supporters
  8. I definitely support this
  9. Support the devs need to. Add this
  10. 122 pages, nice
    Already on the list and still support
  11. From original thread to now and still not implemented. Plenty of support and legitimate reasons for adding, and won't affect income for devs...
  12. Support! This would be great in either format
  14. I'm gonna have to say no support. Option is to only buy 2 per week and at the equivalent price of roughly 15 mith. If availability were tweaked to remove the not real money purchase limit and the price brought down then support.
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