War Crystals (Estoc Gem v3) *UPDATED*

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by cheezeplz, Mar 15, 2013.

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  1. Finally devs are going to implement a good idea with input from kawmmunity.
    Well done OP 
    And nice job to all who supported this :)
  2. I think cost is too high too. It shouldn't cost so much just to war. Pots, mith, 40 bil on war xstals. You could be at 60 bil just for one hour. I like the randomly drop idea. And you only get a max drop of two per war.
  3. Like all ideas test to see if it achieves objective. But
    Sounds good and I'd sport it providing these new xtals
    are NOT excessivly expensive to buy with in GAME GOLD . Because if it is then people who want to war alot will need to spend more REAL money than they already are doing to partcipate. Unless the new xtsls are cheaper overall in real momey, the only plus for those who want to spend less on xtals is that they'll be able to buy some with in game gold :)
  4. YES! The devs are implementing this!!!!!!
  5. Good news on kaws season 2 thread, they said that War xtals will be implemented for season 3! And it only took >600 supporters. Lol
  6. comgrats cheese, your idea is implemented
  7. Congrats cheese 
  10. Congrats cheeze! War crystals are being implemented!
  11. To all those that think that the Devs don't listen to the community, this thread and the idea proves otherwise ;) congrats Cheese
  12. Support! Devs please make this work!
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