War Crystals (Estoc Gem v3) *UPDATED*

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by cheezeplz, Mar 15, 2013.

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  1. I Support Pm This To Devs Or Mods
  2. Bump
  3. Support from main Luciak
  4. Well thought out. Nice. Support.
  5. Bump
  6. This is a great idea...I am already on the support list but those devs need to implement this!!!
  7. I just noticed as I went through the supporter list I'm repeated twice you can edit #352 out that was my former Omet name this is my new name.
  8. I think gold prices could do with a minor lowering due to the limitations it brings (15 mith is somewhat expensive for a regen) but I also understand it cant be TOO easy to obtain otherwise none will be purchased. Support.
  9. Never tried bb codes so I'll try now.  Support!
  10. I miss plunder wars
  11. Bump
  12. Support 
  13. lets throw sledgemaster a party.
  14. Thank you for all the support. I appreciate every single supporter. War crystals are officially in development. I will be updating the OP sometime later this week. Untill then feel free to discuss specifics now. Thanks again

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