War Crystals (Estoc Gem v3) *UPDATED*

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by cheezeplz, Mar 15, 2013.

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  1. Re: War Crystals (Etoc Gem v2)

    Support but lower price of war xtals for those of us who don't want to spend money, maybe like 5-10bil each preferably 7.5bil
  2. Re: War Crystals (Etoc Gem v2)

  3. Re: War Crystals (Etoc Gem v2)

    Hmm. Can you make it different prices depending on your size? Kind of like how when you buy gold from nobility
  4. Re: War Crystals (Etoc Gem v2)

    I definitely agree on this. I warred once, had no crystals. It was TERRIBLE...I hope the devs make this happen 
  5. Re: War Crystals (Etoc Gem v2)

  6. Re: War Crystals (Etoc Gem v2)

    @chicken nugget i put that in. Price is relative to size just like mith and just like nob
  7. Re: War Crystals (Etoc Gem v2)

    Just gave average/ what i would have to pay
  8. Re: War Crystals (Etoc Gem v2)

    Yes then everyone will have access to crystals during war!

  9. Re: War Crystals (Etoc Gem v2)


    Like others have said maybe a lower cost than 15b and make is be a different cost for different size people. Because a leader board person might be able to spend 15b but a 1m would have a hard time making that and I have seen many people of that size asking to war.
  10. Re: War Crystals (Etoc Gem v2)

    I have updated the support list and have undercased the RELATIVE TO SIZE part of price as many did not fully understand when it was LOWERCASE. Thx for support btw we are at 46 supporters atm
  11. Re: War Crystals (Etoc Gem v2)

    I like the etoc gem idea.

    The ewars are Really fun and fast passed. a great addition to kaw.
    Its to bad i invested all im willing to invest in this game before ewar existed because i enjoy war. with most good war clans demanding xstals i dont see myself ever having all the new equip. Ive spent far to much with nothing to show for it. i wont get back into the habit of spending 5-20 dollars a week. Still a great game.
  12. Re: War Crystals (Etoc Gem v2)

    Please take me off the support list. This product needs work
  13. Re: War Crystals (Etoc Gem v2)

    I got one thing to say those prices Re freakin ridiculous that charging more then food for in game crystal
  14. Re: War Crystals (Etoc Gem v2)

    @warrise can u expand on that statement? What do you feel needs work? So far the only thing ppl have disagreed with is the price of the equivalence to buying 15 mith. The reason for this high price is to make sure devs see it as possible. No one likes to have un-needed profit to disappear. With this strategy it is a win-win more profit for them and more xstals for us
  15. Re: War Crystals (Etoc Gem v2)

    War crystals would only overcomplicate the already complicated system... Anti support
  16. Re: War Crystals (Etoc Gem v2)

    Oh im sry, didnt read correctly i have taken u off. Note I didn't say fully support but rather u support concept.
    this tells me you support the concept yet don't agree with specifics. Don't get angry :)
  17. Re: War Crystals (Etoc Gem v2)

    I already said what needed work. Check your thread. Take me off the list, now.
  18. Re: War Crystals (Etoc Gem v2)

    Note: everyone with the "-concept" by their name in the support list means that they agree with the concept not the specifics. Just wanted to make sure everyone understands...
  19. Re: War Crystals (Etoc Gem v2)

    Needs a few tweaks but I support this idea
  20. Re: War Crystals (Etoc Gem v2)

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