war complaints

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IX_THoR_XI, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. Ok, I see someone had already mentioned it, sorry for the repeated info :oops:
  2. very good point dani. Do wish they would allow ppl to unveil on the side with lower numbers as long as they arent the stronger clan. Btw. Clans like hgl are getting tonnes of members on purpose cause they know they will face a clan with lower memb numbers. Sulotion, recruit alot more ppl. Say 100 per war and fight fire with fire.
  3. I think the real problem here is lack of people participating in ee in general. Four hours is just too long for many players. I bet a couple two hour estocs would solve many of these issues very simply
  4. That's the only problem LordSavan :) Finally someone points it out.
  5. If your talking to me dmocell, I've been in plenty of unfair match ups. There is only so many clans to be matched against. They not all going to be even.
  6. Posting with main now/for these matchup problems to happen back to back there is a problem with the system im sure the devs have got plenty emails and feedback on the matter. I have a problem with the investment we put into war(KINGDOMS AT WAR) guess this is how to bring back the interest eh
  7. What's posting with main got to do with price of bread? They was matched as they where because they are number 2 strongest clan. What could devs do to rectify the fact that they had less people. Would they be complaining if they had 100 against the 68 they had?
  8. There are TWO easy answers I've said them before I'll post them again
    But later I'm busy right now
  9. You need to rest after your victory dy
  10. Funny see how you feel when you outnumbered and swarmed easy to tell who ever osw and who eb
  11. i bet my highland that these trolls never hit another player or warred show ss or shut the f up before this turns into my kingdoms at war lol
  12. Well i heard this kaw but i see they just trolling broke mf detroit in the house and we dont sleep try my ill beat and steal you so bad now im trolling try me
  13. Thanks Slayer
    Ok so Match ups suck What to do?
    First, remember these are ESTOC EDGE TRIALS (Not System Wars) Clans are matched up on three criteria :
    •1. Amount of Members
    •2. Total Clan strength
    •3. Average member strength

    Of these three, the problem is 1. Amount of members Sooooo if you want "More Even Match-Ups" the stronger clan will need to LOSE a few members. Wether the devs knock off bottom nubs or clan owner "veils" enough members to balance the match up, or it forfeits in favor of weaker clan [Remember, this is not system war] so those that can't war receive EE if clan wins and loses a level if clan loses.
    So I'm saying... Before war starts, clans get a little more closer in Average stat per player AND number of members.
    (I like this idea)
    Every clan in Kaw is Auto Entered, Every player is Auto started NO VEILS NO HIDING
    This isn't Kingdoms That Choose to War so war everyone
    Maybe only top 250 clans to allow those that don't wanna war find a place to hide.

    These trials are a fun way to play the game without sacrificing 24 hours of real life, so I ask the Kawmunity to Shut The Forgotten Unes and ADD solutions to the system and stop whining. Worst case scenario is you lose 16 myth and some pots...

  14. While there are significant matchup issues, option 1 is the simplest option.
  15. Im waiting on these hard war noobs
  16. Most unfair match I was in was When I was in Zaft Destiny and we faced Monster Garage. We had 47 members warring they had 100. We got hammered lol and all 100 were active lol
  17. @ Dmocell
    The topic is EE trials Not osw If I am outmatched in EE, I'll hit till wars over if my butt gets pounded for four hours, my butt gets pounded for four hours also if in osw ill hit as long as I need to So it's the same thing
    EE = kids on playground playing Rock/Paper/Scissors
    System War = Kids playing Football (Europe/American or Canadian)
    Osw = kid follows other kid home and fights off school grounds

    IMO of course
  18. I agree that the system needs work still.

    There are only two suggestions I have that may fix some of the issues.

    1. Make clans have exact numbers ie 40 60 80 100

    2. Make spell usage free for ee wars but slightly lower or leave payout the same.

    The reason I make this suggestion is of a clan has 20 or more members why would they waste their mith knowing they can't win. Thus this has a hugely negative effect for the other warring clan as they will only gain 5 or so mithril.

    I know these arnt the best ideas but I also don't see a clear answer to the problems.
  19. OP are you a nub? Just curious 80 members huh? Quit your whining at least 20 of those coulda been inactive leaks and quit complaining true war vets dont cry about their opponents

    2010 GAMER
  20. @op 2nd page

    How are you considered a "kaw" fighter? Unless of course are talking about ebs, there is no way you have that many wins for that few of loses unless you hit ebs to get those stats.