War At Least Once A Month

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lXl_____Salah_Al_Deen_____lXl, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. Re: War At Least Once A Monthfuk

    Like I said initially, more brains, more ideas. My idea doesn't mean that it has to be that way.

    A few ideas have come out.

    I got out what I wanted, so thanks for everyone's input.

  2. Yea like there was a huge war against the soloist (something like that) against like iG or other clans that are big people are making this game a total 180 degree and changing it with out the devs being any apart of it
  3. Thanks everyone, at least the forum didn't go crazy with peanuts!
  4. Mayb a tournament each month Could be open to the first 320 people to respond and then Devs even teams out, after that the winning tema out of 4 clans gets 200 nob and the 2nd place get 100 3rd n 4th get 50/15 I dunno
  5. I like the tournament idea, and hope that if it ever came into action, all stats would be allowed to join, not just the HLBC lb players or whatever
  6. Op just blew that elongated object!

    **** just got real. :3
  7. Re: War At Least Once A Monthfuk

    I guess at the moment everyone is running around like headless chickens for permanent items, so when all this is over, a tournament may be interesting.

  8. There could be a loophole to this where you could just go to a mith war with only OSF's on the other side, and then it wouldn't actually be war.
  9. I try to war every other week! But the player prestige idea would need to be released if the devs did this
  10. Who else thought of periods when reading the title?
  11. I did! I said it on page one but everyone ignored it. :cry:
  12. I noticed Jesus
  13. I noticed it too Jesus, that was a good one lol