War against Zaft!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Zanther, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. A no-stat alt bumped this. Teja was in THEM today before hopping over to ZAFT Carnage.

    This thread was likely bumped only BECAUSE Teja is in ZAFT ATM.
  2. Nevermind just looked at dates. Omit my posts!
  3. Thanks for clarifying Devil, almost had me for a second there lmao
  4. 
  5. Nothing AT ALL to do with a certain female member? 
  6. *Confused* 
  7. There is something called a game.
    Then there is being 100% serious.
  8. That name is so appropriate on this thread  
  9. I saw Teja months ago....

    Now I see him again. It's like Teja-Vu!
  10. I see what teja is doing going undercover
  11. God damit Tejas at it again
  12. That is typical of 'If you cannot beat them, join them'.
  13. Damn guys, this is too fun lol
  14. atleast this tread is funny. Maybe we gona hear now he sold acount and its not really him
  15. Hmmmm old thread and kaws finest think its a current one
  16. I know its old but its still funny