Ahh so zaft dog piles another one, yet everyone els Is expected to keep it 1v1, guess that rule dosnt apply if you wear a z banner.
What he did is absolutely right, if zaft is gonna pin him with their entire clan, it means they have something to hide. No bias-ness intended
I remember one (maybe the first?) time he quit. He and Maj were having it out and Teja created the clan Goth Peoples Graveyard to go quit and sulk in. How many times has he quit since?
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I agree whole-heartedly. ZAFT does a lot of cheating. Lots. And the Devs/Mods give them a pass on it.
Zaft wipes their ass wjth their bare hands and then eats sushi without properly sanitizing their hands.
War Teja my pleasure meeting u and enjoyed all r convos together if u need anything brother u only need ask I'm here for u and down for whatever
First time I could probably ever say this. Post with an alt so I can hit you. :lol: I needed to say it.
I respect both ZAFT and Teja. All clans have their cheaters and fair players alike. Have you emailed DEvs about the supposed cheaters, so that they can investigate? Have you even attempted to well idk, NOT break TOU? Do you have any evidence of this? It just angers me to think that every hates on developers of any game and call them money hungry, corrupt, people who have nothing better than to make your life miserable. You chose to play this game. What you do with it is up to you, Teja. I respect you though. You are undeniable in your beliefs, and I hope that your war against cheaters will pay off. -Eons
Support Teja, on all your endeavors to fight injustice, if only more respected players had the same amount of class ...