War Advice?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *lllllKOB_IBB_Ian-B---6810lllll (01), Dec 29, 2012.

  1. If only I could win a war . I am 0 for 5. I have lost a lot of mith 
  2. That's really unfortunate. I'm 9-1 I think.
  3. Just saying... ;)
  4. The trick is having two teams And having colored admins in chat call out targets starting from the top down and then koing them right away and then ko them as soon as they are out of ko. Do this and i promise you a win in 3 wars
  5. I apologize for bumping this, but I just want to thank you all for the great advice. In my first Estoc Trial, i got 6 KO's and was knocked out 0 times. And thank you Zeus, the clan I am presently in do that, and we are 15 and 1 i believe...
  6. Get many pots IBB and join a good clan who understands was system... Always watch CC during war
  7. Like said before, TEAM WORK and organization are the most important factors of a war, not strength. My clan has beaten clans much larger than us and lost to a clan smaller than us and it was all because of how we executed out strategies and how organized we were.