War - A Topic We Can All Agree On 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Imitation-Cheese, Feb 28, 2015.

  1. If this is true, then why wasnt it prevented?
  2. How should I know? Where you there? How do you know that it couldn't have been prevented? Just because it happened doesn't mean that anybody tried to prevent it.
  3. Its not that it couldnt have been prevented in theory.

    My concern is that by saying it could have been prevented, but for whatever reason WASNT prevented, leads to some VERY concerning implications...
  4. Well I believe it was a credible threat, in the fact that it was actually carried out.
  5. Cheese,
    Many things are prevented, just not reported to the public. I think what was being suggested. The government would create mass chaos and hysteria if it let all information out in regards to National security.
  6. Like how it took like 40 years to tell the public how the US almost accidentally detonated a nuke on the mainland US?

    I do see why they'd hide that
  7. I seriously doubt that - @ kaskade
  8. Yeah, back in the early 60's two nukes were dropped in NC and almost detonated.

    I can only imagine what else we aren't told
  9. Cheese,
    Well I'm thinking about some of the scary things the public aren't told versus thinking about the reaction of the people if cell phone service was out over a period of time. Think of the craziness that would create, and that's minor.
  10. Shol - i hadnt heard about that! :shock:

    Kask - like what? Can you give me an example?
  11. Yeah, it happened though

    Kask - you mean how people went batcrap crazy when FB was down what was it, a month ago?

    It was the top news story everywhere

    What priorities we have
  12. You can't mess with facebook, how else will we let people know what we're doing?
  13. War....what is it good for?...absolutely nothing
  14. I know, God forbid we pay any attention to the numerous real problems the world has
  15. It is good for being the only friend of the undertaker
  16. Agreed, war is pointless. The sad part about war is that the people who cause it are the least likely to be in harm's way
  17. Your brain washing isn't wearing off Cheese. You are growing wiser. It's part of the aging process. It's not hard to take someone 24 and under a subject them to suggestive thinking. As their brains are under developed. That's why youth and young adults are targeted by politics. They are easier to manipulate, and they buy into what is being told to them much easier.

    Not only to political types target youth. So do other more conspicuous organizations. From gangs to insurgency groups.

    I feel like the op is to broad to comment on directly. War. It's terrible. Only youth and psychopaths would glorify such a thing. The youth do so for the reasons in the above paragraphs. They don't have the mental ability defend themselves against the suggestion.

    Once you get past the glory of war. And realize that glory doesn't exist. War becomes a necessity. Whether it's for freedom, for economics, or defense. Either way you succumb to that fact and killing becomes a necessary evil.

    As a American. With wars like Vietnam, and Iraq. It's hard not too question the necessity of our wars. Of American wars. As war throughout history are not equal. So I say again. The op is to broad to comment on IMO.