War #7 - Time Error

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. Devs, do you not have anyone working in your night shift? I mean I can understand your screw up, but it still was avoidable.
  2. I still haven't received compensation, nor have other clan members who casted WoC and were unable to war because of the issue with war 7 time changes.

    Please double check who was included, something is definitely wrong here.
  3. No one got compensation yet bro^
  4. I also have not been reimbursed.
  5. Still no compensation. How long does this process take. Will we get before week 3 war 7?
  6. Im dtill waiting for my compensation. I casted but wasnt in the war
  7. Bit of patience folks...
  8. Still no compensation. What's the story Kaw admin
  9. So let me get this right. So those of us who cast and were unable to recast for the war which caused our clan to be unable to sign up for war get no compensation. And now u give all of kaw 2 xtals to passify us. Well I'm not passified. All who cast should be given the same amount of compensation I believe no matter if they were able to war or not
  10. I did not get my 50 mith, ee level, and rancor level. Please reimburse me for this. As a result of your screw up my clan got a no match. I woke up early to participate and you wasted my time with this war. Proper compensation is necessary.
  11. Geez, have some patience. You guys whine more than anyone else.
  12. They can't give it out 1by 1 or everyones going to say its unfair that they got theres first and all that. So they have to find out EVERYONE with the problem and do it all at once, or as i said just above ^, your just going to do that. And don't say something like 'So? You weren't affected', because believe it or not, I was affected. If i can wait, you can too.
  13. nick- emailed support did not answer my question said they would look into it…would love an answer please compensate me properly i spend money and time on this game i deserve a fair compensation for my commitment.
  14. I had casted for this war, but I did not receive anything..?
  15. DEVS WHERE IS MY DROP? I casted for that war and still got nothing
  16. It's a random drop, maybe you just didn't have enough actions to get yours.
  17. The problem i had is #1, couldnt recast
  18. I never got any of my pay back this is rediculos first it was a time change then couldnt recast woc and then you all dont even pay me my stuff!! What the heck??
  19. Is this changing this week? Ppl sign up ahead of the day for wars. Please don't change the time on the day as you have done previously 