War #7 - Time Error

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. Dear kaw admin I want 2 mith compensation for having to move my sore tumbe to go in alch shop and press recast.

    I would also like A cool keychain were it says kaw warrior and a ata t-shirt for my effort and my hard work pressing that button.

    Best regards your nr1 bro Carp
  2. Forgot *insert a lot of rage here + mix with a little sadness *

    And it's all ur fault btw etc etc etc compensation bla bla bla give me more bla.

  3. everyone should be compensated full mith and xtals...our opponent showed 34 members casted before war...how can we prep when we don't know our actual targets until 45 min before war?
  4. Still no update. Still no update either on Week 2 war #7 giving details of match ups or no matches found. Ummmmm
  5. Kaw admin reply to jades question, is this compensation going to all people who casted woc? Or too every clan that were signed up for war 7?
  6. @hawks. Should be all that cast and all who warred. But if not I can see a lot more complaining and boycotting war till problems are solved
  7. Tyvm Kaw_Admin. Really appreciate all you have done. Much respect
  8. So the people that didn't recast are getting more than the ones that got their asses together and warred but revieved no match? Pfft I thought u guys rewarded activity 
  9. @jade. U would have got no activity if u didn't jump around at last minute
  10. Hence if u stayed at
    You would have got more
  11. Kaw admin your saying that people who casted after war 6 and went to sleep deserve more reward than those who played the whole way through?
    Kaw logic *facepalm*
  12. So those who up all night doing war 6 and then cast for war 7 before getting sleep so they can be up in time to war deserve nothing. Is that what ur saying @ jade. Don't want to be ur inbox if that's the case
  13. No sotuw I'm saying that people that got their asses together and warred deserve more compensation (or at least the same!) than people that didn't quite make the numbers
  14. Well this solution stinks. In our clan we couldn't even sign up for the war because of the issue where several members couldn't recast. So we get nothing now?

    No war meant no opportunity for rancor/mith/edge. Seems very unfair that a handful of people who cast last night and went to sleep will get compensated and the rest of us all get screwed.

    Anyone who had cast wave of conflict and was trying to war and unable to war should be getting compensated. You've got to do better at customer relations KaW - it costs you nothing to make YOUR error right for the people you've affected. I really expected better on this.
  15. Idk. Kaw_Admin I'm sure have discussed this and come up with best solution possible.
  16. If they discussed it and thought lazy sleeping asses deserve more than active peeps there mad
  17. Lazy sleeping people. Umm. Peeps not allowed sleep in ur book jade
  18. Yes sotuw but they shouldn't be rewarded for sleeping! The payout should be the same for peeps that warred than peeps that didn't
  19. Dudes....
    We are getting rewarded. Not that common in this game to get something from devs. It's a step in the right direction.

    Thank you for the compensation kaw_admin
  20. ^So u think that sleeping peeps deserve 40 mith an ee level and a rancor level more than the ones that got no match?