War 27 (4/19/2015) Devs please look into matching...

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ISI-IOI-IRI-IAI, Apr 20, 2015.

  1. Not in the slightest bit intimidated by you crybabies who have turned a discussion about how/why mismatches occur & what goes into primal matches into petty threats & name calling.

    The only person crying is you.

    As I have stated many times I have no issues with Sylv or how she does her rosters. I have no complaints about DotB. Yes, they were used as an example since the matches in question were against them. No, no one was complaining about them; the issues were with the mis-matches & why they were occuring. Stop whining & stay on topic.

    Sylv doesn't need white knighting, especially since there is nothing to defend. No one is attacking her. Cry in my news feed if you feel the need to keep crying.
  2. Really op heyy bro my news feed is open chump jump
  3. Thank you killer and this I fully support.
  4. Sora if you read the posts on your own thread you would see that people where claiming I control match ups. You want to talk tough then better be able to back it up. I have been more then respectful till you have now given me a reason not to. Talk is cheap.
  5. [​IMG]



    Is this you "getting me"? Being the one trash talking & "hitting" someone you are over 3 times bigger then, isn't it a bit embarrassing to be the one in pin & failing?
  6. Please quote the post you are talking about.
  7. Like this.
  8. Or This.
  9. As Killer already stated & I will now state again since there seems to be misunderstandings. I did not mean for my posts to come off as offensive. The discussion is about mis-matches. DotB seems to mis-match more often then not so DotB is the perfect clan to use as an example of the issues with the matching system & trying to figure out how it works. As I said in almost every post I made, I have no issues with you, your clan, your roster, or anything of the sort.

    It was & still is a discussion about why mis-matches occur & how the matching system works for primals.
  10. That is being disrespectful, but also if you are in hit range then don't ***** about being hit. "Isn't that embarrassing?" No it's part of the game now zip it.
  11. Like I said, killer I understand your frustration and no hard feelings for you needing to vent and being as you match us alot I understand why you used me for the venting. I am truly sorry for any mismatchs that occur but I do not orchestrate them nor do I try to. What has been happening recently is I admittedly have all my people scout enemy clans casting. You can ask anyone who has warred at my clans, I always aim for the biggest clan casting that we can find with my main roster. With my second roster I aim for a clan that is far enough away from my main roster to avoid matching ourselves. With and if I do a third roster I attempt to aim for a clan far enough away from my other two rosters to avoid matching either of them. I love good challenging wars they are the only ones that I enjoy. I am just as frustrated and confused with the matching algorithm as everyone else.
  12. Not here to disrupt your thread so as long as my clans and myself are not brought up in a way that I see as disrespectful I will now leave your thread. Good luck with figuring out why these matchs occur.
  13. Or what? You will continue to cry, complain, and fail inc?

    I will not now or ever not discuss something cause some nerd thinks they are superior in a game. I have 1 ally to strip. Have at it.

    You are a child with a superiority complex. I know how to deal with children. GJ hiding in pin though. Also, very tough forum talk.

  14. Have I once cried? No, complain? Also a no, post fail inc please. I haven't failed, nor will I. Hiding from pin also, I'm 90/90 haven't xtalled. You're the one hiding from pin. Nice riddence.
  15. Sora your encouraging the reactions you are receiving. Best to stay calm and not resort to calling people cry babies and nerds if your true focus of this thread is to find out why and to fix mismatchs. Just saying.
  16. Removed as it was incorrect & irrelevant.

    In response to Squishy, I wasn't in pin til the rest of you jumped in.
  17. Read the name dumbass, I'm not guilty, derp.
  18. Squishy and guilty two different people.
  19. I am always calm, but indeed I should have never even responded to the nonsense.
  20. Keep hitting from pin pretty boy, I'll get you when you sleep.