War 27 (4/19/2015) Devs please look into matching...

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ISI-IOI-IRI-IAI, Apr 20, 2015.

  1. It's not just sh clans that get the shaft look at war history here each time we matched one of Syl's clans we had big gap in cs. Not one of our rosters used sh/tank mix. Syl has figured out how to match smaller cs clans and it's killing primal. Devs wake up and fix broken system or risk losing more clans throwing in the towel
  2. Yeah... if you look through their war history they almost always match a clan that's significantly smaller then them. I have been told/figured out how to better match clans for primals but still firmly believe devs match clans based on cs & bfa for primals even though bfa is disabled during primals.

    Sylv uses a ton of ps1, many of which have low bfa. I think that's how she is able to match clans much smaller then them because the smaller clan has high enough bfa for it to seem even to whatever matching system is used even though bfa is disabled in primals.

    This of course is just speculation but it's the only explanation that seems logical. I wish devs would explain how matching works for primals like they did with round wars. Would make things so much easier. No one likes fighting a clan that is 15-40% bigger then they are & that is one of the reasons why there are so few clans signing now.
  3. Lol @ idea of sylver controlling matchups

    Does she try to create matchups to her advantage? Yes. Is it cheap ? Probably and it also doesn't seem like a fun way to war to me, but hey to each their own . That being said no ones stopping her. And also the matchup system does not guarantee anything. A few weeks ago we tried to match eachother and were 5 mil cs apart and we did not match.

    So as much flak as sly gets for doing what she's doing don't make it sound like she's cheating the matchup system. All she's doing is watching who casts where and casting a higher cs than them and praying for a matchup to her advantage.

    Easiest way to fix this is to not show who's casted pre war to anyone outside of clan . Seems simple enough . I don't know why I have to point out these infantile ideas to the devs.
  4. I know how u feel sora, ive been warring since s1 to s4, i can compare all mismatch happening, iam also a wc for a long time and a tracker too,( retired now) i dont want to stress myself anymore lol,well it happens. i have tried all different builds gh, hitter with towers, hansel, sh,thats why Season 1 is still the best for me, whack your own build nothing to change anything, all builds can war.. No discrimination, and more fun,but too sad too many changes in wars, some good warriors retired already.
  5. I do not quite think that the reason for syl's success is due to them matching smaller clans. War yesterday at DOTB, matching a bigger clan and still managing to crush them. The way you describe syl's clan, it Makes it seem as if their wins are due to match ups when it is clearly not. Everyone faces matches where they are at a dis-advantage and some matches when you are on top. This is common for all people, and seems to even out. Of course, if more clans casted, it would make match ups a lot fairer but at this moment in time there are'nt so you'll have to deal with it. However, this is not to say that you can't win when being the smaller clan in the match up. RO's war against 108 few days back, RO with a -400 mcs dis-advantage, although I admit it wasn't pure brilliance that won RO the war by 60 mill, it was done with a little bit of luck, but shows that all wars can be won, if you just push, and try that little bit harder without giving in.
  6. Yes some clans face mis-matches but in DotB's case they almost always match a clan significantly smaller. I never stated that you can't win wars when you are at a disadvantage, nor did I intend to lead anyone to believe that DotB's success was based purely off of mis-matches.

    If you look through DotB's war history and calculate both clans cs, you will see what I said is true. Whether or not this is intended makes no difference to me. I would not speak ill of a clan for strategically rostering their clan to be at an advantage. Every clan should do that. PvP Beasts uses only SSH & top LB, a damn near unbeatable roster & I have nothing but respect for them (except for Troy, he cries too much).

    I just really wish the devs would explain what goes into primal matching like they have with round wars. These mis-matches are occurring across the board & turning a lot of people off from even trying.

  7. Heheh "near unbeatable"
  8. Y'all making us sound like bullies
  9. It's like white noise. All I hear is DotB blah blah Syl boohoo boohoo 
  10. DI/Dotb have many mismatched before against BG/FO too in term of CS. But instead of seeing Syl posting in forum, what I saw is she coming back stronger with different strategies and try to win over her opponent. 
  11. Omg this is funniest thing I've ever read, I've learned how to control the match ups? Are we all on drugs now? How can one control match ups when I can aim for a clan and be within 5 mil Cs of them yet match a clan that is 100 or more m Cs different? Secondly if you don't like it cast bigger rather then going smaller in an attempt to hide from us. That will put you in a position to be mismatched. What I do is put time and energy into making my rosters and in an attempt to not have them match each other, get a no match, or get severely outmatched. That being said, I am do not like the mismatches, for anyone who thinks I find it fun to play whack a mole, you are mistaken. One last thing, could we all stop coming up with ridiculous accusations and assumptions that I somehow am controlling the matchs. If you don't like something then change what your doing to make it better, rather then trying to control or get others to change what they are doing.
  12. Syl is nub confirm :D lel
  13. Support sylv wow all the winners we see y'all out there avoiding ups casting sh and what not bringing in bigs at last minute trying gain advantage I get it nice try.don't try to cheat the system then complain about what we do we I say we mostly sylv puts huge time in matching y'all we losevsomevwe win some sylv does this til she falls out and gets sick.so how dare you say sylv fixes matches do your homework.loyality takes years to make and good ppl don't come overnight so put your time in and then come back and whine.wow just wow
  14. Sylv your ego is getting pretty big. Actually read what people are saying instead of just making mindless claims. No one on this thread has complained about you or your clan. The complaints are with the matching system & lack of clarity on the dev end.

    Back to the topic of the thread...
    After discussing primal matchups with a few people & doing my own testing, I'm starting to come to the understanding that primal matches are made based on lands explored & nothing else. This is an example how clans can match clans so much smaller then them (based on how I believe the system works).

    Clan A casts 2 abyssal land complete tanks, 3 abyssal land complete PS1, 3 hoarfrost land complete PS1, 6 highland complete PS1, & 1 small sh or statless.

    Clan B casts 5 abyssal land complete tanks, 9 highland complete sh, and 1 statless or small sh.

    Them 2 clans can match even though clan B is significantly smaller because of this:

    Clan A's 2 abyssal land complete tanks & 3 abyssal land ps1 matches clan B's 5 abyssal land complete tanks.

    Clan A's 6 highland complete PS1 match clan B's 6(9 total but 6 for example's sake) highland complete sh.

    Clan A's one statless or small sh matches clan B's 1 statless or sh.

    Only 3 wind up being a bit off so matchup can happen.

    I'm sure many people may already know this since primals have been around since S4 (I wasn't around for S4) but this seems to be the way it is & I hope it clarifies things for those like me who have not been doing primals for long. Of course I could be wrong, this is just an educated guess.
  15. :mrgreen:
  16. How dare you talk with such disrespect about a reputable War Commander who works tirelessly for her clan and her warriors!

    All through this thread of yours you have attempted to give dotb as an example. You yourself have criticised the rosters Syl puts together. You have inferred that Syl manipulates the matchup system by using certain builds.

    Now that's enough! I have listened to your bleating and moaning and whining on this thread and all you have done is to make yourself look butthurt at not being able to be as good as other warriors out there - who incidentally do not whinge like you do but who do their best to put a roster together and to enjoy warring win or lose.

    We have lost wars. We have been on the receiving end of mismatches but you don't see us filling forums with accusations against opposing clans or their war leads!

    Time for you to put up or shut up! Let us know when you want to war. Name your cs. We will be ready and waiting. But trust me - as Spil said earlier, matchups often don't make sense even when you aim for clans.

    I suggest you email support for any further information on the matchup system as many are tired of your assumptions here
  17. Meow support queen op anymore trash talk.might find yourself in trouble best stop now this is gonna go bad for you.Way too many ppl respect Sylvia for you to act like this a lot of wandering villagers you get it good.now go find a some warrior and let's do this otherwise shut your mouth
  18. Sorry if my post came off as blaming Syl fully for mismatches in primal. She is very competitive and finds a way to win regardless. She has also done more for ee than most if not all in ee. What I'm trying to say is system is broken and needs fixed. You should never match a clan 200-400 mil bigger in cs. You have less and less clans singing for primal because of it. Nobody likes getting their ass handed to them but unless you fill roster with mercs that's what happens time and time again. DEVS WAKE UP and fix broken system.