War 27 (4/19/2015) Devs please look into matching...

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ISI-IOI-IRI-IAI, Apr 20, 2015.

  1. All you people talking crap on this thread is actually amusing. Broken is clearly 300 times better at EE than anybody I've seen on this thread and I laugh at how arrogant some people can really be.
  2. Hes a sh enough said really take a joke man.
  3. Tru tru
  4. No matter how much people cry about the type of roster I put together or the use of SH, it will not change the topic of discussion. People who want to win will always use the type of roster they find effective at doing so & people who lose will always complain about that type of roster.

    My build is SH. I love EE wars. I mostly only play this game for EE wars. I do not plan to ever spend exuberant amounts of money on this game, and do not often hit ebs so I will probably stay SH sized for a long time. Because of this I found a way for SH to war in primals & will continue to figure out how to best work SH into a primal roster.

    Massive PS1 (or any sized ps1 for that matter) is just as bad or worse then SH stacked with tanks. Look around folks, that's every EE war roster. Complaining about people's roster is useless. Find a way to beat them.

    I did not once complain about DotB (or any clan's) huge tank stacked with huge ps1 roster. I am only trying to get the devs to look into matching and why people can be matched vs a clan so much bigger then them.

    I know anger tends to draw you away from reason, but please try to stay on topic. No matter what roster someone uses, being matched vs a clan 50-100% bigger then you is not acceptable.
  5. People will always roster like that? I'm sorry We at Rawwrrr Don't roster like that and we win... 8 on Current Prestige LB
  6. I am just making an observation just from "This forum". As an old wc from seasons 1-3 and the beginning of 4, I am wondering if when the devs adjusted after season 3 that maybe , just maybe, sh stacked rosters have a higher formula value? Just seems obvious to me as I read this post from beginning till now that heavy sh accts that we used in the past are weighted heavier so that wars can be more level......I have not even Warred recently as real life has taken a turn for the worse, but it's jumping off the screen to me that you should not use a roster of 10 sh. Try 7 or maybe 8 next time op. Then come back with your data and move on
  7. Back then SH were weighted heavier because they were heavier. Since them wars calculated clans based on cs, bonus from allies, bonus from equipment, and hit range sh could match mids & even bigs. In primals all of the above is disabled so they should not be calculated when matching.
  8. Last war at Rawwwrrr you guys were 400m cs vs 300m cs. Do you guys not agree that that is completely unfair? You guys had 25% more CS then them, they were fighting an uphill battle. That's VERY significant & considering primals are mostly all about towers that means alot of their roster probably couldn't even hit your roster. Matching needs to be better adjusted. If clans cannot be semi fairly matched they should just keep dealing out no matches til clans can match cs better.

    Also looking through your war history I can see why you guys have been doing well. Look at the type of clans you guys match. You will better understand when you match a clan that you can't rly hit & have no real weaknesses as far as plunder goes. When enemy tanks are bigger & enemy ps1 are big enough & plentiful enough to ass your tanks down with ease you will see how much the cs difference matters.

    No one should be matched against a clan that is 25%-100% bigger then they are.

    Funny thing about your last war is we were just under 350m cs, you guys were 400m cs, your opponent was 300m cs. We should have matched one of you two but instead we matched over 600m cs. Your clan was bigger then us, you should have matched them then you would get it.
  9. That was 1 war. Normally our opponents are at least 30m cs larger. It's all ratios in how you set up your roster. From my experience, if you stack your roster with a bunch of small builds you get screwed. Look at Sotuw's matches from a month or 2 ago. Same thing, stacking SH and getting slammed. If people would just cast a normal balanced roster the wars would be a lot more fun and entertaining not to mention rewarding when you do win.

    Also our requirements aren't that strict compared to some clans. Regardless of your roster if you do not have the team behind it to execute, you will struggle. I know many clans right now that are struggling with perm members and inexperienced warriors. I do agree with some of the matches but instead of just casting the same roster time and time again, why not switch it up? Find a cs that works for you, Roster for it and slay them!
  10. If the devs would kindly just explain the way their matching system works it would clear up a lot of issues. The last time I seen a dev comment on how matching works was during season 3. They said that matching takes bfa/bfe/hit range into account and matches you with a clan close to your clans bfe/bfa/hit range.

    Since them things are disabled in primals one would assume you just need to match cs. I am seeing this is not the case so can a dev kindly tell us what to shoot for to get a semi even match?
  11. Lol sh knows how to war. He stacked top with a small bottom including statless. You were only gonna get a mismatched roster either in your favour or not. Devs want to stamp this out. Good on devs for matchiing you. Also bfa etc is turned off in wars. Didnt say anything abt matching. If you just tried to war fairly and trust in ur warriors and ur ability maybe u wouldve had a chance.
  12. Every post you have made has been biasly riddled with rage & insults. What do you feel you are accomplishing?

    Stop attempting to speak for the devs when you have no idea what they are doing.

    I'm not going to stop using my build in wars, nor will I stop trying to understand why were are being matched vs clans twice our size no matter how much you ball your eyes out about our roster.

    SH/Tanks seems to be matching us vs clans much larger then us, that much is certain. Stop repeating the same thing. I am asking the devs... why? Why is it matching us vs clans much bigger then us. When I figure that out I can adjust. During S3 the devs explained to us how to get better matches & what goes into matching clans.

    I'm asking the devs to please do the same thing for primals.

    So many people are angry about losing to SH that they just ignorantly rage about the build constantly, ignoring the topic of discussion.
  13. Why why why Delilah!!! 1+1=3 . Some ppl you can never teach nor will you listen or learn. Oh and btw those noobs on aoc page to reach 50 basically warred most of their wars elsewhere like Ghost Legion but you want to add them to your clan to make them look like they warred the whole season.
  14. cantonese, why did u recruite sh at wc every your round wars ?
  15. Not true. Not on topic. Yawn.

    Your blind rage is still getting the best of you.
  16. That doesnt even make sense. Also the war he is crying over was a round war. Btw Devs see you try to exploit with sh to get easier match so maybe they just gave all the other clans who try to war fairly decent matchups and the ones who try to exploit bad matches. Hmm this could be the reason they dont reply. Do you think they will say you tried to manipulate matchups so we taught you a lesson by matching you with a better clan.
  17. Not crying about anything though you seem to be VERY upset.

    Also (once again) you are wrong. War 27 was a primal war & every war we were mis-matched vs DotB (who were 150-300m cs bigger) was a primal war.
  18. Yes it was primal which is what i said in earlier post. I was being sarcastic.
  19. If we were a clan of all leaky mids like you wish we were, would you still be spamming hateful/emo messages or would you agree that matching someone vs a clan twice their size is wrong and needs to be fixed?

    Point made.

    You are infuriated about losing to SH & cannot see past your blind rage.

    The system needs to be adjusted to match clans of equal cs.

    If devs have an issue with sh/tank rosters they should give them no match as they always have. The issue is not just with sh/tank rosters. Many rosters are being mis-matched vs clans much bigger then them.