Want mith earn it!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Jttheopportunist, May 11, 2013.

  1.  Farmer.
  2. Unfortunately, it will be next to impossible for devs to factor in BFE. The obvious exploit ? Unequip everything before match and then re-equip afterwards. The devs would have to eliminate the ability to make any changes to equipment after sign-up ends, in the same way they did with changing builds.
  3. Hey @wordwaster, nice name, did your mum help you pick it? Anyways this thread was created because we feel that the clan we were versing purposely did not participate in the wst so they could get free mith. We feel this is unfair as firstly, they are getting free mith, and secondly our mith payout was low because they did not return hits. Only at the end of the war did they spells up and xtal etc.

  4. Lvl 50 is SUPPOSED to be hard and exclusive to get. Only the top Players and Clans achieve it. Exactly like summer equip. Your just not good enough to get it, that's the truth.
  5. what part of "public forum" do you people not get?

    for some reason you and your buddy have instead chosen to attempt to antagonize me for making a point. you seem to think i have taken sides against you, when in fact i don't care about the original post at all. or about either of you, for that matter.

    if you disagree with something i have said, feel free to make a counter argument. jokes about my mother making my user name (btw - what does that even mean??) only serve to make you look like dullards.

    as i have tried to make clear, i am interested in the discussion of how bfe has radically altered the game that i originally started playing a couple years ago.
  6. Has everyone forgot this is still only a game. I think people are taking things way to serious for this game.
    There is always going to be away round every blockage devs put in place. Its the nature of the beast. This was my first season and to be fair ive seen better set ups in primary school. Season 1 was rushed imo. Strip me of all mith and levels not a problem because ITS JUST A GAME.
  7. Good point Grogz, but u have ppl who cry over everything. lol Police every possible way to exploit or cheat, until then it's a war game where ppl will search for every advantage they can. Buying allies after matchup, changing names during war, having outside friends stripping enemies allies (mith protecting allies doesn't work), reducing builds during war and on and on and on. Is that a strategy, exploit or a way to cheat?
  8. All is not fair in war.

    Anyways a lot of people take this to serious it's dumb and annoying people are so hard to please
  9. Agree with that farmer.
  10. Farmer i agree with you. Ive seen alot of posts about we had unfair match etc etc. Its getting boring now. Its a game and only that. I wonder if the people who are moaning about every sungle exploit are like this in real life. Real life is hard but we don not moan about it. We just get on with it so why cant we just do the same in kaw. Which brings me back to my main point its just a game. If you dont like it dont play it if you are getting stressed out about every little thing
  11. Sorry about spelling doing this on a phone and had a beer. Do as i do chill out and have a beer
  12. To return to the subject of the original Op, I am trying to understand what type of "strategy" it is to achieve a matchup and then not fight until the last 30 minutes or so.... There is plenty of time to decide to use mith or not AFTER matchup so why cast any kind of mith you can then not fight?
  13. I have not participated in season 1 but have watched all the forum discussions so please don't say I'm butthurt. Getting a match then not fighting seems strange to me.
  14. It's just a strategy. Just like other clans have strategies. BUTTHURT op
  15. Really? Not fighting is a strategy? I know some clans won't hit their allied clans, but that isn't the case in this instance. How can not fighting be strategic?
  16. Whiner much^
  17. They just wanted to do the vanished paladins eb for a few mith. So they sign up for war and then stay inactive until afterwards when they can start pressing the repeat action button to feet rewards that are supposed to only come from warring.

    King_ME has a history of trying to exploit the war system to get mith without using xtals or risking any losses. I'm curious to see what sanctions the devs will use.
  18. No one said it was a good one.  That's when you brush off and move on. Amber mith was casted later with xtal runs at the end to plunder what they had VS our 0. Point if waiting was to let them think we are inactive and just think they had in bag.. Go full force at the end. They were on top of it and never slacked off. It was a strategy that failed. I don't understand why it's such an issue.
  19. Again... If I slacked off just to do stupid mith eb why the hell would I cast UA?
  20. @Farmer....as I said I dont EE, don't have a dog in this fight...I'm genuinely curious. With all the difficulty clans have had getting matches, most are glad to fight when actually given one. P.S. I know King_Me and this surprises me.