Want mith earn it!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Jttheopportunist, May 11, 2013.

  1. well that and we have wicked teamwork! :geek:
  2. Worms defending us ..... The world is ending 
  3. Shush pat :p I had fun warring with you guys no doubt and I know my bud val did to

    not a worm
  4. The reason they don't factor in equip is because it gives less a bonus then pots do! Do you see the devs factoring in the # of pots you have? I sure don't. King_me and his clan don't understand what an honorable war is. According to the devs you guys outmatched us and had an extra player so you had a good chance in beating us if you had actually tried... get over it

  5. can you buy equipment just like you can buy pots? because i missed that update.

    i am still of the opinion that static stat equipment completely unbalanced this game.
  6. Word,

    We've already said. Equipment is aggressive not defensive. BFA don't stop you from performing aggressive actions on enemy
  7. i wasn't addressing the any previous argument. i was just reiterating something i noticed last time i came back to kaw.
  8. Yeah you can buy equipment.... mith equipment so stop complaining and take the loss
  9. way to prove your lack of intelligence. although i suppose you did that already with your name.
  10. Lmfao lack of intelligence... it does show i am 15, at least my iq isn't the same as my shoe size :lol:
  11. wow.

    this is one of those times that i remember why i leave kaw for months at a time.

    okay. let's go back a bit. first off - i wasn't in the war. -1 intelligence for you for telling me to "take the loss". second, you said that buying equipment with mith is the same as buying pots with gold. -1 intelligence. third, you gave your age in violation of the Tou. -1 intelligence. fourth - you are trying to troll me. -2 intelligence. fifth your name is honey boo boo. -1intelligence.

    i really don't know why i bother trying to have actual discussion on these forums. someone like you always shows up and distracts everyone from the actual merits of any debate.
  12. @Estoc Trials - Week 6 - War #7/#8 - General Update by kaw_admin.

    /My rant.
  13. For one why the hell are you being butthurt on our thread?!? Why are you getting into business you don't belong..
  14. yes. i am so incredibly butthurt...for some reason. but i don't know why. can someone explain why my butt hurts so much?

    this is a public forum. i felt like joining the discussion because the conversation had evolved to a point where it had the potential to be an actual discussion of the path the game has taken.

    so go take your noobrage and point it in another direction. grown ups are talking.
  15. Yes worms u caught us, I am secretly a dev and purposely matched those two clans up against each other, nothing gets by u guys. Fact is until the devs address every possible "exploit" clans will find ways of taking advantage of the system.Until everything is taken into consideration (equipment, allies, etc.) no matchup will b perfect, period! And Honey u didn't even war against us!

  16. Tou vio incommmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnng
  17. *Hostility alert*
  18. More like sarcasm.
  19. Im not sarcastic whatever you do dont read my banner ill put a curse on you
  20. Wow a lot of noob rage this is what happens when they win. They'll probably reset and sue ata when they lose because "Bad Matchup"
    There's some people you just can't please.