Want mith earn it!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Jttheopportunist, May 11, 2013.

  1. Strategy, means if we ever matched, we'd wipe the floor with you.

    Exploit, when you matching with your lil buddies and alternating wins.
  3. I have to agree with the ME's here. Worms did also take advantage of an exploit with guild hansels. Except their exploit is condoned by developers and match rigging isn't.

    Believe devs will include bfe into equation next go round tho so the little guilds can't exploit the system next season. Well hope at least
  4. I'd put money on even if you outnumbered us by 4-5 members we'd still wipe the floor with you.
  5. Exploit:
    Something with bypasses the very essence of the idea of wars- i.e. what you're doing

    Stratagy: Any other tactic used to win, that doesn't glitch or give an advantage no other could have gotten.
  6. Duh. Of course you would. BFE remember? Smh...
  7. When Devs finally Factor in BFE, we will see who can really win.
  8. Thanks for clarification Superman. Nothing I have ever done in an EE couldn't be countered.. So Everything is strategy. ๎€‘
  9. They would if they unequiped EVERYTHING
    get over yourselve
  10. LMFAO. No, it's called scoutbomb. Bad equip you can still assass ANY gh, scoutbomb prettymuch ANY build.

    Your just bad.
  11. Worms if your strategy is so good why don't y'all go into a war without ur equip? See if it's strategy or bfe???
  12. And on that note devs WILL NOT factor in BFE. why? More restrictions = less matches
  13. @MIckey

    Why should we? We made the effort to get equipment when others didn't- therefore we should get the benefits and the other should not.
  14. Lol knocks,

    Yea, lets war SOTRA with no BFE?

    Equipment is AGGRESSIVE, no DEFENSIVE. You can still assass easy with low equip...
  15. Exactly.
  16. Micky๎€Ž๎’๎’ And there is defensive equip..
  17. Worm I understand u earned ur equip by goin guild hansel and exploiting the fact that u pay 500k while making 30m. I get that. U earned it by way of exploit. Still earned I guess. But what I'm saying is if it's strategy and not the extra 4-5m cs stats it adds to ur acct then u should be able to win with strategy alone and equip taken off.

    Not saying u didn't earn it. Saying it's not strategy that wins the wars with clans such as yours
  18. Me and asthma are busy the whole 2 hours before war, giving people initial targets, what action to do on that target, what xstal group they are in which varies against clans, we've learnt we need either Team1and team2, ABCD or ABCDE xstal groups which I have to decide which is best for the clan we are facing. Initial targets are given based on the persons equip, towers and BFA.
  19. It's not JUST strategy- its mainly strategy. Ofc, equip helps a bit, and against top clan like SOTRA that bit makes a huge difference.