Wall Art Made For You!!!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ___Solange___, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. I ain't even mad.
  2. Can I get one, but for free?
  3. I could make that for free. Stupid business
  4. For u jac. Anytime
  5. ◤║╖╓╓╖★╓ ╓╖╓╖╖╓╓╖║╓╖◥
    █╫╟╢╟╴ツ║ ╟╢╙╖║║╟╢║╙╖█
    ◣║╜╙╙╜★╙ ╜╙╙╜╙╜╜╙╙╙╜◢
  6. I am not selling my arts cause I think it's wrong, but if you want to sell yours pls make nicer ones 
  7. ╖╓╥╥╖╓╖╥╖╥╖╥╖╓╖╥╓╖╥╥╖
  8. I feel bad for the idiots who are willing to pay for something as dumb as wall art. Especially for the mundane wall art you are offering.
  9. Mei, I think you are trying to confuse us with your big words. It's working.
  10. Fyi. Ask anyone if i have really charged them. Wow. Somr of u just have no fun
  11. Need to relax or u must love to bash people. Like i really care. But thnx for the information
  12. .........\\\\___~[]_
    |..[].[].[][] (((((((((0).
  13. Wow :lol:
  14. ║╓ ╖╥╖╖║╓╖★║╓╓╓╓╖★║╓╖╖╓╖
    ║╢ ║║╢║╫║║★║╢║║║║★╫║╥║╟╢
    ║╙ ╙║╙╙║╙╜★║╙╙╜╜╙★║╙╜╙║╙
    Lay did that for free
  15. ╦╦╗╔╦╦╗ྊ╦╗╶╔╦╔╦╗╗╔╔╦║╔╗╔╗ ζετ ║║║╠╣║║༖╠╩╗╠╣╶╫╶╠╣╠╣║║║╚╗ μsε το ╩║╩║╩╩╝ྊ╩༖╚║╩ྊ║༖╝╚║╩╚╚╝╚╝ ιτ 

    Oh look I can use giant lettering as well 
  16.  
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    . 

    I can also do giant wall art as well 