I am not selling my arts cause I think it's wrong, but if you want to sell yours pls make nicer ones
I feel bad for the idiots who are willing to pay for something as dumb as wall art. Especially for the mundane wall art you are offering.
╦╦╗╔╦╦╗ྊ╦╗╶╔╦╔╦╗╗╔╔╦║╔╗╔╗ ζετ ║║║╠╣║║༖╠╩╗╠╣╶╫╶╠╣╠╣║║║╚╗ μsε το ╩║╩║╩╩╝ྊ╩༖╚║╩ྊ║༖╝╚║╩╚╚╝╚╝ ιτ Oh look I can use giant lettering as well
. I can also do giant wall art as well