- W A R - T O U R N A M E N T - F E E D B A C K -

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Wulf, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. Seems like issue at hand now gonna be whether or not clans can find 75 members to war, 75 seems like an absurd number considering most clans had enough issues finding 50 actives(minus the forced leaks due to auto join). Personally think 75 members is gonna force most clans that took part in test war to not be able to participate in tournament season
  2. I support auto join makes for more hitting in old swar ppl would activate only pure spy in begining and wait now u need to be active. Like idea of payouts getting better as u advance in the tournament
  3. Hello! thoughts of war tournament. Locked roster when you decide to join the tournament, and locked the whole tournament. no leaving and no joining when tournament is on. wars should be 12h and start different tz every time. no stripping, Allies should be blocked from outside. No auto-join you will have 15 min to enter otherwise ff. And if under 75 ff. Reward, all wars mith, gold, aqua and inferno. Last war,mith,gold, equipment, nobility, aqua and inferno.

    And not only top 200.
    Should be 3 different tournaments.
    1-200 clans
    201-400 clans
    401-600 clans
  4. Auto join: I agree that auto join is not needed if the "minimum actives" rule is in place, but a minimum of 50 would be a better number than 75.

    Locked roster should truly be locked as to new joins, please eliminate any applied-but-not-yet accepted glicth. Match-ups should be made after lock.

    Length: Shorter than 24 hours is fine as is a full 24, it's ever Saturday for two months that is a real life killer. The length and frequency do balance somewhat, if the war is shorter, every Saturday is a bit easier to do. (Of course some of us enjoy the occassional work week war.) If auto join is eliminated the length of the war is less of an issue, because your personal war duration can be shorter than the entire war length, provided you aren't needed to reach the "minimum actives" threashold.

    Reward: items that cannot be obtained through EB or a significant number of crystals would dramatically increase participation. Let's encourage war! But let's make it more of a certainty. Top 3 attack builds and spy builds get it? Exclusively rewarding top plunder hurts spies disproportionately and rewarding top successful actions benefits them too much.

    Glitches: showing actives on PC and roster number on iPhone would be welcome changes.

    One issue not raised but that needs addressing - How is the tournament winner decided? Is this single elimination? Best overall record? I prefer single elimination - it avoids clans joining the tournament in order to take a dive and boost the record of another clan. But it will mean the number of clans warring in the tournament drops quickly. Of course, that means the remaining clans can scoop up the best fighters who are out of the war and the rosters may turn into an exciting match-up of system war stars.
  5. a) 24 hours is too long. There should be a choice of 6, 12
  6. a) 24 hours is too long. There should be a choice of 6, 12
  7. Most won't war because they can make a great deal more in ebs. introduce prizes that can only be obtained by winning a war and I'm sure there will be a huge increase in joiners! If this is going to be a one off tournament then the overall winners should be rewarded with something no other players have access to! Im pretty sure there will be a horde of peeps lining up for the next years war if this is the case! WAR HARD WIN BIG
  8. XFighter,
    In regular war you have 12,24,48 hour wars.
  9. 50 active is better, 75 too much
  10. REWARD, I think for reward should be for the top 10. Give crystals ranging 1-5 and random gold drops to the players who are most active in the war.
  11. a) 24 hours is too long. There should be a choice of 6,12
  12. I enjoyed the weekend war it was nice to have a definite winner / loser. (unlike osw's)
    Wish we would of known about auto join sooner.

    When I here locked roster I feel that members should NOT be able to be kicked if leaking gold.

    The 75 members in your clan should be prepared, and if they know they will be inactive 16 hours of the war that maybe they should sit out that weekend.
  13. 24 hours too long. 75 is a lot of actives to get, hope we won't miss out on tournament. It is the holiday season after all
  14. Auto Join: In my opinion, auto join is a bad idea. I some people aren't available at the start time, and even if the time rotates, it could still be a problem. For example, Player A lives in California. Player B lives in Australia, where there is a ten-twelve hour time difference. If the war starts at 10 am Player A time, then he would have 8 to 10 hours to hit Player B. So then say Player A's clan wins the war. Then Player B's clan doesn't benefit at all if the next war (which they aren't in because they lost the first one) better suits their time. I think that there shouldn't be an auto join.
  15. Why when clans signed up for the war, you can still leave the clan ? It supposed to be locked so no entry and no one CAN'T leave.
    I was in The Force and we had to face -BB- . Most of us hide allies with mithril and spent all the gold we had in pots.
    Unfortunately, we learnt just before the war start that -BB- forfeited (automatically because they were under the 50 limit).
    In conclusion, we have wasted 24 hours, gold and mithrils for nothing and lost an experience.
    Do you really think it's fair ?

    Finally, war concerned only top200 clans but we both know most of them didn't participate so why you didn't replace them by clans which are after the top200.
  16. Leave the ability to hire allies there and add the ability to hit from outside. Don't let bitches hide from real war by doing this chicken **** weekend war! Yes wulf, I'm talking to you punk!
  17. The Rosters should lock and everybody should be automatically joined when a Clan chooses to enter the Tournament. Accept that you are going to be hit, have Allies hired, burn through Potions and Mithril, and lose a whole bunch of Gold. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
  18. Just something else i thought about... Say there is a really big player. His clan loses in the first or second round of the tourney. Couldn't he just go to another clan before the roster locks? He could get a spot in the finals clan and still get a prize..
  19. What's with all these "rewards"? War is war, it's not meant to have 1,000 different rewards. If you want money stick to your EBs. If you want war and gratitude of knowing how war and having fun with your clan mates, then WAR.

    I'm sure most of you EB whores only joined this weekend tourney so you can get items that they said might be a reward. You'll get your item then never do them again. So sad.