- W A R - T O U R N A M E N T - F E E D B A C K -

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Wulf, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. My personal thoughts re: trial war .

    1) autojoin: fair enough in my book, keeps it even. Up to the clan if they have inactive members hanging around to leak. They can always kick. If you make it so you have to have 75 go active before start then you could find yourself dumped out of the tournament as number 75 fails to go active lol. :/

    2) locked rosters: can be abused currently, as you get your matched clan then let people into your clan, can NEVER match fairly that way... solution is to lock rosters 24 hours before start THEN match clans. Everyone should be aware and be in the clan before that point if they want to war.

    3) length: 24 hours is fairest in my book. BUT I would suggest if it's going to be once a week , then at least have it rotate I.e. week one-top 100 clans, week 2-top 100-200. Or make it fortnightly. Don't know how this would affect tournament schedule though.

    4) stripping: just stop all outside actions upon the clans taking part, hires etc. or stop all hires upon every active member taking part altogether. like a lock on your ally list.

    5) reward, Aqua for sure as its the most rare and you can't buy it. Random drops of an "war only" item or make it a small stat boost item that all receive (so you don't overpower clans for future tournaments)

    Just my thoughts, troll away lol

    ƇƛƲƧƛMƠƦƬƖƧ Șε7εɴ Ș1ɴȘ
  2. TiM0 nice answer totally agree with you.
  3. I really enjoyed the test war, as short as ours was, there are some little problems that need to be addressed.
    I see some complaining about war length, auto join, stripping, member limit, it's impossible too please everyone but I think only slight changes need to be implemented to make this a success.

    #1 Auto Join

    The auto join should stay, or if it has to be tweaked, change it so X amount starts first, then the rest a few hours later. I got away without the auto join as I was very late getting into the clan. This glitch needs too be fixed, if not clannies will just leave in tens come back an another ten leave and no one starts automatically.

    #2 Roster Lock

    The rosters should lock before the pairing process in done, if not, what's the point of pairing? One clan can Merc so heavily that it becomes a one horse race.
    Rosters should lock one hour before war starts, as soon as they lock, the pairing takes place.
    Too stop a lot of forfeits, I think make it that once the war has started that the clan can't kick leaks once the member limit is reached, rather than just forfeiting the whole war. Force players to become active or it severely hurts their clan. Two clan I was in dropped below 50 members and war was forfeit. It's a big let down for clans waiting to war and it's ended before it starts Even the third clan I got into dropped below 50 and was finished a few hours into it.

    #3 Length

    The length should stay at 24 hours, 12 hours is far to short, too easy to stay active and play from pin for the duration, turning them into Turtle wars. Whoever is in the clan at the time should know when the war is starting so can decide whether to war or not, thus taking out big leaks.
    It also gives every time zone an equal chance to take part, if a twelve hour war takes place, it will more than likely suit US timezones more.

    #4 Stripping

    Stripping should stay as it is, if you're in an osw at the time you'll be subject to strips anyway and if the rosters are locked before pairing just use a spell to hide your allies, it will be a dedicated clan that will SS every single player in every single clan taking part in the war tournament. Only well known players will suffer on this and more than likely they'll be active anyway.

    #5 Reward

    They rewards are very slim as it is now, maybe some Xstals and EB attack pots would be a good incentive, even a new perm item to the overall winners.
    Most will use their 6 allowed Xstals so Xstals would be a good reward.
    Cut the war tax on the tournament wars and reward the wining tax to every winner not just the ones that go the distance.
    NO to new defence pots, the new attack pots were a great introduction, why on earth would you now take away that great addition? As they would just cancel each other out, and be back where we were.

    #6 Glitches

    Glitches such as avoiding the auto join by applying late or leaving and coming back needs too be fixed, as everyone now knows how to exploit it.
    Not seeing clan rank on iDevice is annoying, if only for reasons as reporting hits (annoying writing a big barcode name or trying to decipher name with "3" for "E" or "7" for "T") or going up and down roster trying to find an open attack.

    Lots of features should stay the same as they insure a good fair war, such as No Outside Hits, this is great to stop 10 family clans on the outside pinning clans that don't have big alliances.
  4. Oh and I'd like to see tax reduced to 20% and paid back to the winning clan like it used to, even if it's only for the tournament. You have got to make it worth peoples effort and contribution in my opinion. And just paying the top ten plunderers won't work , as someone who assassinates all war is just as helpful as someone who hits tbh.
  5. As for the the autojoin, they should autojoin everyone after 4hrs. This will stop turtles and allow people time to join war
  6. Well my experience was crappy we won the war 2 hours before it began cause our opponents were not ready and lost a lot members, also it didn't go as a win which we think it should and we received to mithril , if they were forced to forfeit we should receive something, my clan was very mad when this happened we have sent feedback already just sharing my story
  7. Just a few notes:

    1) The issue with it not showing active/inactive on PC was a big one, especially when the other side was utilizing the "wait at the door" method to avoid auto join, making much of the clan inactive. On PC, there was no way to know that. Both items should be fixed.

    2) Don't disable ally buys during war. That effects the entire game. What, someone outside of war will be in the market and unable to hire allies they want because "owner in war"? That's silly. It's part of the game, protect your assets or don't.

    3) Though I agree having different people join at different times is part of the strategy, auto join does make it interesting (when it applies to all, including those entering after lock). I love the auto-join at 4 hours idea.

    4) Rosters should lock at match, and there should be a timer telling you when match happens so you are prepared with your warring roster.

    5) Higher payout for sure, meaning not JUST mithril. There is more to the game than mithril, especially now that it's on sale. If you want people to war more, give gold as well.

    That's all I've got :) It was a nice change of pace, I forget how much I enjoy system war at times.
  8. The one problem I could see is with the allies I think the reccomemdation for it other that that didn't mind
  9. Since the devs are watching these wars, it can't be a pwar. How about large amounts of gold payouts to the winning side instead
  10. Maybe crystals could be awarded to the winning team but crystals drop like ebs. It's totally random who gets theses crystals. I was thinking maybe 3-6 crystals and sometimes a few ppl can get the crystal award like the item drops in ebs.
  11. There should be a lower limit to the payouts for the winning clan. The clans whose opponents ff early all earned meagre amounts of mith. Not worth the gold and mith spent for the war.
  12. The crappy reward of mith is not worth the time put into the war, the payout should be a mixture of gold, potions, crystals, and eb items that will be different for all clan members i they win.

    One major problem with the current system is the inability for the devs to match equivalent clans due to strength. MG was ranked 34 and we had to verse HGL who was ranked 3. They had more HLBC members than we did and that was one cause to our loss!
  13. I like the idea of a war tournament. It is a good way to bring war back to kaw.
    The reward needs to be bigger... My clan didn't get any gold because the other side forfeited and I didn't get anywhere near as much Mithril.
    Also no auto join it was bad for me cause I was asleep when the war started and I lost a good amount gold before I could do anything about it.

    These are some of my suggestions to improve this war tournament system
  14. Correct me if I'm wrong, but hitting inactives made them join the war, didn't it? This meant that these 'inactive' players then showed as active - allowing them to be bled some, right?

    Fine if it happens to both sides. Not so fine if one side is exploiting it. Depends if you want auto join for all members at the start, or if you want players to sit out until they can be inactive. What's your take?

    On the other hand, I liked the auto join because it stopped it being a battle of unhittable spy-builds being able to sit back and spy-farm any attack builds foolish enough to join war. 'Turtle wars' are fine... If you're the right build.

    Outside hiring happened in my war. It again happened only while I was inactive. I can take it or leave it, either way. It makes it more of a challenge to win - so more rewarding. But it does open the possibility of one side using banks to turn the table on a failing war, rather than winning solely by the actions of their accounts actively fighting the war.

    I enjoyed this latest test war. It was fun. I look forward to the next one.
  15. Good WAR TOURNAMENT thread, Wulf!  Your recommendations were good and most definitely constructive. I was also not a big fan of the unexpected auto join function. I had not even realized I was apart of the war until after it was almost too late and I had been ravaged, but such is life and apart of the game learning curve. I salvaged somewhat, but not enough to make my participation worth it, with the exception of the experience and new friends I acquired.

    Overall, I believe the war tournament will give many KaW veterans a newer, more exciting platform to practice their acquired skills, while allowing some of us war noobs the ability to learn about the many war tactics and further develop our combat skills. Cheers!
  16. As follow up, I agree with player, The Big C, whose comments regarding rewards on page 1 of the feedback I can most definitely agree with. I used 6 mithril, only to receive an extremely dismal 2 mithril as reward for my clan's war victory.
  17. The mith payout reward was insufficient relative to the amount spent. We earned a win due to our clans ability to prepare well for the war (potted up, spells) and the opposing clans inability to do so. Therefore they forfeited early when it was clear they had no chance. I felt we were penalized when I saw the mith payout. There should be a relative amount awarded to the winning clan for an opposing teams forfeit. Otherwise a clan could forfeit immediately and cost the winning clan billions.
  18. @Wharf_Rat
    I thought the Mith payout wasn't bad, I received 10 for little over an hours work, although I used 29 lol, but in a full 24 hour war I could have gotten a lot more.
  19. I spent around 20 mith and got 26 back. That's not terrible, best mith payout I've had. But only because it was doubled.

    Change the payout system to make it extremely lucrative and bring kaw back into war.

    Allie buying disabled to outside:

    Great idea. I like the tournament because it 1v1 clan on clan, not who has the most friends or biggest alliance. If you want to strip someone during the war, your bank better be prepared to be very active.

    Auto join:
    Hell yes
    Now we all know it's coming, prepare for it. It's only a 24 hour war(keep it 24 hour) you know when its going to start. I like the idea of having to press a button to confirm your going to be in the war. If your clan doesn't have 75 people commit by the start then you forfeit. After war starts, all who committed are active on war roster, even if they're waiting at the door
  20. War was awesome n rewards could b random like:mith, aqua, inferno, nobility, xtals and would b cool if top earner on winning or losing side got a reward! Being on a losing team n finishing as the highest earner deserves a reward in my opinion...ir look at our war history