- W A R - T O U R N A M E N T - F E E D B A C K -

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Wulf, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. I think that they should give the winning clan, of the entire tournament season, 20 extra clan slots. Also, the limit to the amount of clan slots that can be won in a tournament could be capped at 20 slots to prevent any abuse.
  2. Rosters locked 2 hrs before war commencement
    75 member auto join at start.
    Must finish war with 75 active members.
    Allies always for sale.
    Only active members dtw to out side hits.
    War on peeps 

  3. Just fix the auto Start and I'm happy, also xtals for the most plunder in war would be great

    1st place) 5 crystals.

    2nd place) 4 crystals.

    3rd place) 3 crystals.

    4th place) 2 crystals.

    5th place) 1 crystal.

    Top 5 in plunder ranks get extra reward for hard work.

    What do u think guys?
  4. wolf i actually support evrything u said i believe u made very good points on a few fixes that could be made and i would like to see double mith continue and maybe most actions gets a sword!! i think most pple would like that idea
  5. Allen that's a pretty good idea, instead of one clan getting 20, since that's to huge a prize.
    1st place gets 10 extra member spaces.
    2nd place gets 5 extra member spaces.
    3rd place gets 3 extra member spaces.
    4th place gets 2 extra member spaces.

    Now that's for the whole tournament, not just a single war of course. Since it's minimum of 75 active members for the war, then the new max total possible members should be 150. After you get 150 slots, then it's just bragging rights that you have them.

    Feedback welcome. :)
  6. just to add to my comment if such a thing was to happen and most actions gets the sword i would suggest it being a suprise so pple dont just sit and scout the whole 24hrs but let it drop after war and xtals would be nice to have as a break from purchasing them
  7. Really enjoyed the war. Only problem was that the minimum required needed to have in clan is too high even for some lb clan. Maybe can drop that to min 60? I prefer the roster lock to be done on start of joining war (if not ASAP although i understand the difficulty of matching) to ensure clan has a stable no of players for war rather than have a lot of mercs than drop out resulting in ff..autojoin has its pros n cons but i believe if this tournament is going to take a long time to complete (due to the amount of clans involved) it has to have flexibility not to put ppl off. Some of us have a real life and warring every weekend will cause us to have OSW in rl . Maybe clan owner has to selected 30 ppls to be active at start of war minimum?? Pros, we did have fun fighting a lot of ppl as there is constant meat our there for us to hit so I like that. cons: ppl will get sick of it n due to the tournament rules or commitment needed by clan leave the game altogether. My two cents worth.

    I agree autojoin is not good for war. Better and simple to just let ppl click "join war" before it start. Clan owner / admins will have to work to be sure ppl do that in time. Since the ppl have click "join war" it remind him to be rdy as soon war start.


    Good If roster lock the instant the clan click join tournament. Clan just need to be rdy and be sure all ppl they want come in time.


    Would like a 6 hrs war. Make it short and intense. Better for people who got a life outside KaW.


    Good If outsider cant buy your ally.


    Give a special and new items for the top 10 ppl in plunder on the winning team. Other ppl in winning team will get a normal item from EB. Each ppl can get a different item, it give an item to complete set items of that ppl. Over sometime many ppl will have full set of items. Will be time to introduce new items only available for ppl in tournament. Should give more powerful item for those on top 10 plunder.


    I agree with OP.

    My 2 cents:
    When a clan click "join tournament" the game can make the calcul of total stats (atk
  9. Posting on iPhone...sorry for cut of my post. Too lazy to redo it 
  10. Maybe a final item award to the most plunder warrior in the war?

    Thor's hammer.(awarded to the brave)

    Attack 10%
    Defence 10%
    Spy attack 10%
    Spy defence 10%

    Worth warring for IMO 
  11. I didn't take part in this war, as we are too busy OSWing, but have a few comments anyway.

    Autojoin is good, but maybe 2-4hrs after war starts like in the last ASW.

    Locked rosters are good, but yes, opponent matching should be done after rosters are locked, and any applicants should be auto rejected at this time.

    With regard to clan matching, I assume that in a tournament style, you will be matched with anyone at random, if the strongest clan were matched with the 2nd strongest, that would be your final over and done with in the first round, and a clan that might have otherwise gone far would have to go home early.

    I think ally hires should be left as they are, it's part of the game, always has been.

    Time wise, 24hrs is perfect imho. Therefore no random start time necessary. There's nothing stopping an individual from warring one week and not the next, only to come back for the 3rd round.

    With reguards to rewards and mith, the current system war system has been broken since day 1, mith rewards are too tiny compared with time and effort spent, especially now given the ability to buy it.

    Miths cost me 440mil each. 1 hour, or 1 full unload useing full attk and spy attk pots costs me well over 1bil in pots, let alone what ever I use in defense pots in that time.

    A 24hr war could cost me 24b in attk pots (30 if I xtal). 30b / 440m = 68 mith.

    So in effect I have used the equivelant in gold of 68mith just in attk pots in a single 24hr war. I'm not saying that everyone that wars should get 70+ mith, but the rewards for all system wars not just this tourney need to be drastically revised. That's not even taking into account the massive 40% tax that is taken from my war earnings.

    One other thing I would like to add, and I have been thinking about this for a long time and would love to see it introduced for all system wars is, when you get the stats at the end of the war with plunder earned by each player, it should also show plunder given. eg how much plunder the player gave to the opposition.

    Perhaps even a net total: Plunder earned - Plunder given = Net total contribution. imho it should be this net total (perhaps in combination with total actions to give those using assass a fair representation) that is used in determining any rewards at the end of the war.
  12. Devs, if you are serious about bringing the War back to Kingdoms at Epic Battle, you NEED to look at war rewards seriously. I would suggest,
    1) reducing the tax back to 20%,
    2) drastically increasing mith payout for all system wars,
    3) removing the ability to buy mith, forcing clans to war for their mith,
    4) the possibility of random drops of equipment, or other useful items.
  13. After reading what others have written I would like to say some things. The auto join is great but could use some tweaks but it's much better than the boring turtle wars that had you sitting the sidelines for half a war. Also there are too many wuss players out there that want to make everything as soft as possible. Before ya know it they will ask for these wars to allow no hitting of other players and have each side see who can hit a troll the most.

    Come on people, accept the fact that the the joy of war is the risk and the main prize is the satisfaction of participation and hopefully victory. If you want to come out further ahead try doing more wars so you get better at it with better strategies.

    War for the glory not some stupid prize like it's an eb
  14. I take your point greatness, but as we all know, people will almost always take the path of least resistance. They love EBs for the rewards and that's fine, but if the devs want to make this back into a PvP game instead of the PvE one that it has become, they NEED to incentivise PvP.
  15. great war

    I really liked the war and these are opinions:
    1) keep the number of active members to 50. For many top 200 clans is hard to have many players active at war start that won't be kicked.

    2) I like the idea of stripping within the war only. This would prevent clans dedicated to stripping outside the war to support the main clan.

    3) for me the payout is nothing... A couple of Mithril... Who cares? The fun is just so much more worth it. But losses of 200b is easy to go during the war and having a war a week will stop progress of many players. If there are rewards it should be for both winning and losing clans at a different proportion. Also rewards should be for biggest plunders because some players have other roles that are as important and dont involve plunder (such as pinning down a too strong hitter or Spy)

    4) being in Asia, I miss most of the beginning of the war and we can agree is a very important time for stripping and dtw players to 0 until they get active. That's a real problem from the autojoin. Without the autojoin 24hours war is no issue.

    5) in the future please be more thorough on the war details. Right before the auto join it said that my clan has not signed up when we did war ;)

    6) I don't mind playing a stronger clan. However I think if clans toward the 200 should receive more prestige if they win and the higher up clans a bit less. The reason being that it would be a lot tougher to keep the 1st position and more challenge and incentives for all of us

    7) in the war history it would be great if we had more details that plunder and number of actions. For example the distribution of actions (atk/scout/assa/stl). This would help for players like me who are still learning.

    Thanks again for the fun!
  16. Original announcement said 8hr wars. Leave it that way. Rotate start time so more convenient for all timezones.
  17. The original post didn't say 8 hour wars. They said that the preliminary wars will last 8 rounds before the finals take place. Beside the point, eight hours is not enough time for a war.
  18. You have my full support with this, it was very fun but it would be better if there was a gold reward as well as double mith
  19. Support for tournament and autojoin.
    Solution to autojoin exploit is in the sequencing of events. War starts > Roster is locked > auto join kicks on.
  20. 1. Keep the auto join, if peeps in your are not awake in your clan it's there problem.
    -All know now this is going to happen, manger of leaks is needed.

    2. Numbers of actives. 50 test war, 75 summer wars.
    -Right this is abit of a funny one to get your head around this really goes hand in hand with the auto join, u need the numbers but u don't need leaks. I think 50 is a prefect number before the ff kicks in.
    75 members is a VERY BIG number of the manger of leaks to keep on top of.
    - so in my mind keep it to 50 min.

    24 hours war:
    -All fair in love and war, covers all timezone.
    Keep it to 24 hours.
    Just have random start times each war.

    Rewards .. Mith for sale. Say no more!

    WE ALL WOULD LIKE XLS TO DROP for winning wars and war tax back please item drop would be nice too new car lovely 

    This is my view, test war worked very well in my mind. Keep it up
    My lovers.

    War is coming lets give em WAR!!!